• RyRcode.zip 

      Bertram, C.D.; Hancock, E.J.; Macaskill, C.
      Published 2024-05-20
      A ZIP-file containing two Matlab m-files, constituting the code required to solve the equations listed in the paper "A model of pacemaker oscillations in lymphatic muscle cells: ryanodine receptor inclusion allows lengthened ...
      Open Access
    • The lymphatic vascular system: does non-uniform lymphangion length limit flow-rate? 

      Bertram, Christopher David
      Published 2024-03-21
      The deposition consists of a ZIP-file containing data files in Matlab binary format containing the data plotted in Figures 3-8 and supplementary Figures S1-S10 of the paper 'The lymphatic vascular system: does non-uniform ...
      Open Access
    • JGPcode.zip 

      Hancock, Edward J.; Macaskill, Charlie; Bertram, Christopher D.
      Published 2023-09-20
      ZIP-format file containing Matlab code for solution of the equations in the paper 'A dual-clock-driven model of lymphatic muscle cell pace-making to emulate knock out of Ano1 or IP3R', by Edward J. Hancock, Scott D. Zawieja, ...
      Open Access
    • Cryptocurrencies, Diversification and the COVID-19 Pandemic 

      Allen, D.E.
      Published 2022
      This paper features an analysis of cryptocurrencies and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on their effectiveness as a portfolio diversification tool and explores the correlations between the continuously compounded returns ...
    • Trump's COVID-19 tweets and Dr. Fauci's emails 

      Allen, David E.; McAleer, Michael
      Published 2022
      The paper features an analysis of former President Trump's early tweets on COVID-19 in the context of Dr. Fauci's recently revealed email trove. The tweets are analysed using various data mining techniques, including ...