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dc.description.abstractThe Journal of Digital Communication and Culture is a publication created by students of ARIN6912 Digital Research and Publishing. This unit of study is part of the Master of Digital Communication and Culture taught by the Digital Cultures Program in the School of Letters, Art, and Media. For more information contact Chris Chesher ([email protected]). CONTENTS (TITLE/AUTHOR): Spreading the message: How social networks and paywalls can save Publishers (Brett McKeehan) // Are social network websites breeding antisocial young people? (Alanna Bromley) // Content curators: The DJs of the web (Claudine Pache) // Connecting with a click: Using social media as a new marketing strategy (Xingya Zhou) // Hesitations and difficulties in setting up a corporate wiki (Marie Louisa Althans) // Born to be wired: The advantages and disadvantages for Australian children growing up in a digital age (Amanda Nicholls) // Every tool is a weapon if you hold it right* (Cobie Dellicastelli) // Will newspapers survive in the digital age? (Kokkai Ng) // Is microblog changing the way we read news? (Mina Yizhen Wang) // Journalism 2.0: The business of news (Paul Giannakis) // Death to the watchdog? The Fourth Estate in a 2.0 world (Natasha Parsons) // Old news? Are new technologies causing news reporting to change track or simply speed up existing trends? (Suzanne Stebbings) // Internet (Dan Lin) // Why is“Human flesh search” only popular in China? (Jingsi Wei) // Digital library: A long way to go (Hui Zheng) // From parlours to pixels: How the digital revolution is changing the way we read (Angela Shetler) // Poetry and the digital age: Friends or foes? (Stephanie Littlewood) // Has the e-book caused the death of the printed book? (Xiaoxiao Hua) // DNA match identification of copyright works system (Shen Chao) // What do you love? The optimisation of personalised searches (Monica Moruzzi)en_AU
dc.publisherUniversity of Sydney. Digital Culturesen_AU
dc.relation.ispartofseriesSemester 2 2011 (5pm class)en_AU
dc.subjectMaster of Digital Communication and Cultureen_AU
dc.subjectDigital communicationen_AU
dc.subjectDigital mediaen_AU
dc.subjectDigital cultureen_AU
dc.subjectSocial networksen_AU
dc.subjectContent curators (in online media)en_AU
dc.subjectCorporate wikisen_AU
dc.subjectJournalism 2.0en_AU
dc.subjectLiterature (online)en_AU
dc.subjectSearch enginesen_AU
dc.titleJournal of Digital Research & Publishing Semester 2 2011 (5pm class)en_AU
usyd.departmentDigital Culturesen_AU

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