Sociology and Criminology
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Hopeful dying? The meanings and practice of hope in palliative care family meetings
Published 2021Hope can carry considerable allure for people facing imminent mortality and for those who care for them. Yet, how hope is variously and relationally (re)produced within end-of-life care settings, remains under-researched. ...Article -
The (Co) Production of Difference in the Care of Patients With Cancer From Migrant Backgrounds
Published 2020An extensive body of scholarship focuses on cultural diversity in health care, and this has resulted in a plethora of strategies to “manage” cultural difference. This work has often been patient-oriented (i.e., focused on ...Article -
Navigating and making choices about healthcare: The role of place
Published 2018In this paper, we examine the intersections between place and healthcare choice, drawing on Bourdieu's concepts of distinction and social space, and engaging with data from interviews with 78 Australians living in varied ...Article -
A law unto themselves: on the relatively autonomous operation of protest policing during the COVID-19 pandemic
Published 2022A central argument of this article is that the exercise of police power in respect of protests is relatively autonomous of judicial pronouncements affirming or upholding rights of free speech and peaceful public assembly. ...Article -
Comparative moral economies of crisis
Published 2022At times of crisis, existing institutional arrangements of societies are thrown into question. Crises that occur in multiple societies simultaneously present rare opportunities for comparative empirical analysis. Social ...Article