• A Virtual COVID-19 Ophthalmology Rotation 

      Wendt, Sydney; Abdullah, Zainub; Barrett, Spencer; Daruwalla, Cyrus; Go, Jonathan A; Le, Brandon; Li, Elijah; Livingston, Chelsea; Miller, Matthew; Nakhleh, Lauren; Pecha, Joseph; Pothula, Shravya; Pradhan, Swetak; Sathappan, Varsha; Shah, Alay; Sonuyi, Alan-Michael; Ugoh, Peter; Wang, Qiancheng; Weber, Nicole; Succar, Tony; Blieden, Lauren; Mortensen, Peter; Elkin, Zachary; Sun, Grace; Lee, Andrew G
      Published 2021
      The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic temporarily suspended medical student involvement in clinical rotations, resulting in the need to develop virtual clinical experiences. The cancellation of clinical ophthalmology electives ...