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Virtual criminal courts and remote advocacy
Published 2024How does the increasing use of audiovisual links (‘AVL’) impact advocacy? Given the developing significance of AVL and special measures in criminal courts, such as the use of pre-recorded out-of-court statements and remote ...Article -
Implied limitations on legislative power in the United Kingdom
Published 2006The ban on fox-hunting in the United Kingdom provoked large protests and a number of legal challenges. The English Court of Appeal and the House of Lords, while upholding the validity of the Hunting Act 2004 (UK), added ...Article -
The Fijian coup cases: The Constitution, reserve powers and the doctrine of necessity
Published 2009If a coup d'état, of necessity, overturns the rule of law, then it is both unusual and potentially self-defeating for a court to rule on its legality. That is why cases on coups are both rare and the object of fascination. ...Article -
Recent constitutional reforms in the United Kingdom
Published 2016While Australia struggles with constitutional reform concerning the recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the Constitution, the United Kingdom has been quietly making significant constitutional ...Article -
Cross-examination and remote access technologies: a changing calculus?
Published 2022Ever since audio and audiovisual link (AVL) technologies were first introduced into Australian courtrooms in the 1990s, the courts have had broad discretionary powers regarding directions for taking evidence by AVL. In ...Article