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dc.contributor.authorBlack, Nicolaen_AU
dc.contributor.authorSwanton, Thomas B.en_AU
dc.contributor.authorBurgess, Martin T.en_AU
dc.contributor.authorGainsbury, Sally M.en_AU
dc.description.abstractRestricting access to gambling products is one possible harm reduction strategy. We examined whether land-based gambling product supply restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic impacted gambling problems and gambling engagement. In a three-wave, online, longitudinal study, 462 Australian adults (Mage_=_44.94; 87% male) who gambled completed survey measures of demographics, gambling engagement (land-based and online), gambling problems, and psychological distress. Analyses were pre-registered and examined the impacts of restrictions on gambling problems and engagement. During the period of restrictions, there were no significant differences in gambling problems (OR_=_0.88 [95%CI 0.55�1.42], p_=_.610) nor online gambling (B_=_4.48 [95%CI-0.40�9.35], p_=_.071) between states experiencing and not experiencing restrictions. There was a small overall reduction in gambling engagement at 2-(t_=_2.03, p_=_.043) and 5-months (t_=_2.37, p_=_.019) post-restrictions, but no change in gambling problems (t_=_1.25, p_=_.211; t_=_1.50, p_=_.134). Amongst those at moderate-to-high risk of problems at baseline, there were no significant reductions in gambling engagement (t_=_0.58, p_=_.564; t_=_1.20, p_=_.232) or problems (t_=_0.92, p_=_.359; t_=_1.53, p_=_.126) at 2- and 5-months post-restrictions. Findings show only a modest impact of COVID-related supply restrictions on gambling engagement and no impact on gambling problems up to 5 months follow-up. The wide-ranging psychosocial and financial impacts of the pandemic may have overshadowed any potential beneficial effects of the supply restrictions on problem gambling levels. Policies to promote and improve access to problem gambling treatment services are needed even following periods of reduced availability of gambling products.en_AU
dc.titleImpact of Gambling Supply Reduction During COVID-19 Shutdowns on Gambling Problems and Gambling Behaviour in Australia: A National Longitudinal Studyen_AU
dc.subject.asrc17 Psychology and Cognitive Sciencesen_AU
dc.subject.asrc1701 Psychologyen_AU

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