Being There: After-Proceedings of the 2006 Conference of the Australasian Association for Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies

Edited by Ian Maxwell
ISBN 978-1-74210-012-8

The 2006 annual conference of Australasian Association for Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies titled Being There: Before, During and After, titled Being There: Before, During and After (A.D.S.A), titled Being There: Before, During and After, was hosted by the Department of Performance Studies at University of Sydney July 4-7, 2006.

The conference was sponsored by A.D.S.A., the Department of Performance Studies, the School of Letters, Arts and Media, and the Faculty of Arts.

The papers collected here were each peer-reviewed to D.E.S.T. standards (two reviewers per paper) by colleagues from around Australia and overseas. The review process for the proceedings was separate from the review process for acceptance of abstracts for the actual conference presentations. Ian Maxwell edited and compiled the final versions, and would like to thank all those who gave their time to act as reviewers. I-and the authors-greatly appreciate the rigour with which the task was approached by all.

These proceedings were published in final form on June 30th, 2008

To see a titles list click here

Papers from these proceedings should be referenced as: [Author(s)-of-paper] 2008 ["Title-of-paper"] in Ian Maxwell (ed.) Being There: After-Proceedings of the 2006 Conference of the Australasian Association for Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies [Website; date of access].

Note that there is no overall page numbering system for the proceedings as a whole: page numbering begins at 1 in each paper.

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