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dc.contributor.authorHabersaat, Katrine Bachen_AU
dc.contributor.authorBetsch, Corneliaen_AU
dc.contributor.authorDanchin, Margieen_AU
dc.contributor.authorSunstein, Cass R.en_AU
dc.contributor.authorBöhm, Roberten_AU
dc.contributor.authorFalk, Arminen_AU
dc.contributor.authorBrewer, Noel T.en_AU
dc.contributor.authorOmer, Saad B.en_AU
dc.contributor.authorScherzer, Marthaen_AU
dc.contributor.authorSah, Sunitaen_AU
dc.contributor.authorFischer, Edward F.en_AU
dc.contributor.authorScheel, Andrea E.en_AU
dc.contributor.authorFancourt, Daisyen_AU
dc.contributor.authorKitayama, Shinobuen_AU
dc.contributor.authorDubé, Eveen_AU
dc.contributor.authorLeask, Julieen_AU
dc.contributor.authorDutta, Mohanen_AU
dc.contributor.authorMacDonald, Noni E.en_AU
dc.contributor.authorTemkina, Annaen_AU
dc.contributor.authorLieberoth, Andreasen_AU
dc.contributor.authorJackson, Marken_AU
dc.contributor.authorLewandowsky, Stephanen_AU
dc.contributor.authorSeale, Hollyen_AU
dc.contributor.authorFietje, Nilsen_AU
dc.contributor.authorSchmid, Philippen_AU
dc.contributor.authorGelfand, Micheleen_AU
dc.contributor.authorKorn, Larsen_AU
dc.contributor.authorEitze, Sarahen_AU
dc.contributor.authorFelgendreff, Lisaen_AU
dc.contributor.authorSprengholz, Philippen_AU
dc.contributor.authorSalvi, Cristianaen_AU
dc.contributor.authorButler, Robben_AU
dc.description.abstractGovernments around the world have implemented measures to manage the transmission of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). While the majority of these measures are proving effective, they have a high social and economic cost, and response strategies are being adjusted. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that communities should have a voice, be informed and engaged, and participate in this transition phase. We propose ten considerations to support this principle: (1) implement a phased approach to a ‘new normal’; (2) balance individual rights with the social good; (3) prioritise people at highest risk of negative consequences; (4) provide special support for healthcare workers and care staff; (5) build, strengthen and maintain trust; (6) enlist existing social norms and foster healthy new norms; (7) increase resilience and self-efficacy; (8) use clear and positive language; (9) anticipate and manage misinformation; and (10) engage with media outlets. The transition phase should also be informed by real-time data according to which governmental responses should be updated.en_AU
dc.titleTen considerations for effectively managing the COVID-19 transitionen_AU
dc.relation.otherGerman Research Foundationen_AU

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