Browsing School of Civil Engineering by publication year
Behaviour of Cold-Formed SHS Beam-Columns (No. R696)
Published 1994This research report describes a test programme conducted into the behaviour of cold-formed, compact square hollow section beam-columns. the tests were conducted in a purpose built test rig capable of applying load and ...Report, Research -
Behaviour of Cold-Formed Slender SHS Beam-Columns (No. R707)
Published 1995This research report describes a test programme conducted into the behaviour of cold-formed square hollow section (SHS) beam-columns of slender cross-section and follows an earlier research report into the behaviour of ...Report, Research -
Ductility of G550 Sheet Steels in Tension – Elongation Measurements and Perforated Tests (No. R735)
Published 1996Cold formed structural members are fabricated from sheet steels which must meet various material requirements prescribed in applicable national design standards. The Australian / New Zealand Design Standard allows for the ...Report, Research -
Screwed Connection Tests of Thin G550 and G300 Sheet Steels (No. R761)
Published 1997Cold formed structural members are fabricated from sheet steels which must meet the material requirements prescribed in applicable national design standards. The Australian / New Zealand Design Standard for cold formed ...Report, Research -
Bolted Connection Tests of Thin G550 and G300 Sheet Steels (No. R749)
Published 1997Cold formed structural members are fabricated from sheet steels which must meet the material requirements prescribed in applicable national design standards. The Australian / New Zealand Standard for cold-formed steel ...Report, Research -
Tests for the Compact Web Slenderness of Cold-Formed Rectangular Hollow Sections (No. R744)
Published 1997This report describes a series of bending tests to examine the influence of web slenderness on the rotation capacity of cold-formed rectangular hollow sections (RHS) for use in plastic design. The results indicate that the ...Report, Research -
Bending Tests of Bolted End Plate Connections in Cold Formed Rectangular Hollow Sections (No. R736)
Published 1997The research report describes an experimental investigation into the flexural behaviour of bolted end plate connections joining cold formed square and rectangular hollow sections. A total of twenty six (26) specimens, ...Report, Research -
Bifurcation of Locally Buckled Channel Columns (No. R760)
Published 1997The report derives the governing equations for the fundamental and bifurcated states of members with singly symmetric cross-sections that locally buckle in the fundamental state. The members are subject to pure compression ...Report, Research -
Design Model for Bolted Moment End Plate Connections Using Rectangular Hollow Sections (No. R745)
Published 1997The report presents a model for the determination of the ultimate moment capacity of bolted moment end plate connections utilising rectangular hollow sections and two rows of bolts. The model considers the combined effects ...Report, Research -
Failure Modes of Bolted Sheet Steel Connections Loaded in Shear (No. R772)
Published 1998Cold formed structural members may be joined with bolted connections, which are designed with the aid of applicable national design standards. The ultimate load carrying capacity of a connection will be governed by one of ...Report, Research -
Tests of Knee Joints in Cold-formed Rectangular Hollow Sections (No. R779)
Published 1998This report describes tests on various types of knee joints for portal frames constructed from cold-formed rectangular hollow sections (RHS). Welded stiffened and unstiffened knee joints, bolted knee joints with end plates, ...Report, Research -
Tensile Fracture Behaviour of Thin G550 Sheet Steels (No. R773)
Published 1998Cold formed structural members are fabricated from sheet steels which must meet the material requirements prescribed in applicable national design standards. The Australian / New Zealand standard for cold-formed steel ...Report, Research -
New Bolted Connection Design Formulae for G550 and G300 Sheet Steels Less Than 1.0 mm Thick (No. R769)
Published 1998Cold formed structural members are fabricated from sheet steels which must meet the material requirements prescribed in applicable national design standards. The Australian / New Zealand standard for cold-formed steel ...Report, Research -
Biaxial Bending of Steel Angle Section Beams (No. R822)
Published 2002The loads applied to angle beams usually act out of the principal planes so that they cause simultaneous biaxial bending about both principal axes. The general practice for designing unbraced beams against biaxial bending ...Report, Research -
Elastic and Plastic Effective Width Equations for Unstiffened Elements (No. R819)
Published 2002Current American design provisions treat unstiffened elements under stress gradients as if they were uniformly compressed for effective width calculations. Australian, British and European design provisions allow accurate ...Report, Research -
Tests of Unstiffened Elements under Combined Compression and Bending (No. R818)
Published 2002Details of a dual-actuator rig developed for testing rectangular plates simply supported on three sides, with the remaining (longitudinal) edge free, under combined uni-axial compression and in-plane bending are presented. ...Report, Research -
Strength Curves for Metal Plates in Compression (No. R821)
Published 2002The report presents a plate strength formulation applicable to metal in general, notably metals with nonlinear stress strain curves, such as aluminium and stainless steel alloys. The formulation is based on a generalised ...Report, Research -
Member Strength by Inelastic Lateral Buckling (No. R824)
Published 2002This paper develops a simple advanced method of designing steel members against out-of-plane failure, in which reduced elastic moduli are used in an out-of-plane buckling analysis to model the effects of high moment, ...Report, Research -
Design Models for Thin-Walled Sections in Bending Containing Unstiffened Elements (No. R820)
Published 2002This report presents a general design procedure for calculating the moment capacity of sections containing unstiffened elements under stress gradients. The method uses the design equations for calculating both elastic and ...Report, Research -
Strength of Butt Welded Connections between Equal-width Rectangular Hollow Sections (No. R817)
Published 2002The report describes a series of experimental tests on tensile coupons cut from the butt welded brace-to-chord connections (T-joints) between rectangular hollow sections of equal width. The aims of the tests are to investigate ...Report, Research