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dc.contributor.authorSeymour, Richard
dc.description.abstractThis lecture will discuss social entrepreneurship, students and remote indigenous Australia. Researching, teaching or learning about entrepreneurship is very different to researching teaching or learning about functional disciplines such as accounting and finance. In functional disciplines there is generally a well defined skill set, this is not the case with entrepreneurship as it is as much a mind set as it is a set of activities. Identification of opportunities, learning about them and taking actions all take place within a context.en
dc.relation.ispartofseriesKoori Centre Lecturesen
dc.rightsThe University of Sydney claims copyright ownership of all information stored on this site, unless expressly stated otherwiseen
dc.subjectEntrepreneurial activityen
dc.subjectSocial projectsen
dc.subjectIndigenous businessen
dc.subjectSocial entrepreneurshipen
dc.subjectKoori Centreen
dc.titleSocial & Indigenous Entrepreneurshipen

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