Psychological care for people at high risk of melanoma: Development and pilot testing of a psycho-educational intervention
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Open Access
Conference paperAuthor/s
Kasparian, NAMcLoone, JK
Meiser, B
Butow, PN
Barlow-Stewart, K
Mann, G
Dieng, M
Menzies, S
This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Kasparian NA, McLoone JK, Meiser B, Butow P, Barlow-Stewart K, Mann G, Dieng M, Menzies S. Psychological care for people at high risk of melanoma: Development and pilot testing of a psycho-educational intervention. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology 2012; 8(Suppl 3): 276 . Which has been published in final form at, DOI: 10.1111/ajco.12030. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.Citation
Kasparian NA, McLoone JK, Meiser B, Butow P, Barlow-Stewart K, Mann G, Dieng M, Menzies S. Psychological care for people at high risk of melanoma: Development and pilot testing of a psycho-educational intervention. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology 2012; 8(Suppl 3): 276.Share