Browsing Sustainable data from digital research: Humanities perspectives on digital scholarship by title
Archaeological database development: the people and place project
Published 2011-01-01This project, funded by ANDS in 2011, will build the platform for a national database of historical archaeological collections, excavated sites and the people connected to those objects and places; to be called the Australian ...Conference paper -
Assessing the Value of Semantic Annotation Services for 3D Museum Artefacts
Published 2011-12-01This paper describes the 3DSA (3D Semantic Annotation) system developed at the University of Queensland that enables users to attach tags/annotations to points, surface regions or segments of 3D digital artefacts. The 3DSA ...Conference paper -
Bringing research and researchers to light: current and emerging challenges for a discipline-based knowledge resource
Published 2011-12-01Australian literary studies have, in the past decade, been greatly assisted by AustLit: The Australian Literature Resource (, a multi-institutional collaboration between researchers, librarians and ...Conference paper -
Challenges in lemmatising signed language digital video corpora: the measure of lexical frequency in Australian and British signed languages
Published 2011-01-01Digital video archives of Auslan (Australian sign language) and BSL (British Sign Language) are slowly being transformed into machine-readable linguistic corpora. Each archive (Auslan 2004-2008, BSL 2008-2001) consists of ...Conference paper -
Community-based website building: The Language Documentation Training Center’s approach to mentor-mentee partnership
Published 2011-01-01Since its founding in 2004, the Language Documentation Training Center (LDTC) at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa has helped more than 80 participants publish web sites documenting various aspects of their native languages ...Conference paper -
Creating a digital wordlist for Lopit: a case study in time and motion
Published 2011-01-01A vast range of techniques and technologies is now available to those working in language documentation. With so many options for the collection, storage and presentation of data, it is essential to find and maintain ...Conference paper -
Culture documentation as linguistic stimulus
Published 2011-12-01known that various 'traditional' or locally-based cultural and economic practices are declining or changing rapidly. This paper will show how well-filmed short videos of endangered cultural practices can be used for eliciting ...Conference paper -
The Digital Nehan Songbook Project
Published 2011-01-01The Digital Nehan Songbook project seeks to add native language songs to the broader project of describing and documenting Nehan, an Oceanic language spoken on Nissan Island of the Autonomous Region of Bougainville, Papua ...Conference paper -
Digital representation and the use of shared texts: the case of a theatrical prompt book
Published 2011-01-01The digitisation of cultural textual artefacts is focussed on conservation in digital archives and on the information retrieval tools for which they are designed. Many such artefacts, however, exist only in the form of ...Conference paper -
Discussing ‘fair use’ of archived recordings of minority music from the mountains of southwestern China
Published 2011-12-01This paper describes and analyses public discussions within Kam (in Chinese, Dong ?) minority communities in rural southwestern China concerning potential wider online access to one major, recently established archive of ...Conference paper -
Documentation of traditional songs and ritual texts: issues for archiving
Published 2011-12-01It is well established that the archiving of materials from endangered languages needs to be not just the archiving of recordings, but also a rich metadata, including, wherever possible, transcriptions, translations, and ...Conference paper -
Dual levels of significance in Australian historical data: the case for equilibrium
Published 2011-01-01This presentation will examine a number of digitised historical corpuses available to Australian researchers to illuminate their ongoing significance within digital scholarship. Many of the corpuses are available through ...Conference paper -
Excellence in research for Australia and sustainable data
Published 2011-12-01We are now entering the second round of assessment under the Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) model. A number of writers have drawn attention to the problems inherent in this model for the humanities and social ...Conference paper -
Found: Data, Textuality, and the Digital Humanities
Published 2011-01-01Computational processes generate lists: lists of numbers, lists of words, lists of coordinates, lists of properties. We transform these lists into more exalted forms -- visualizations, maps, information systems, software ...Conference paper -
Getting it Right from the Start
Published 2011-01-01Setting parameters and calibrating digital research tools at the outset of humanities research can pay dividends in facilitating the preservation of data and facilitating its reuse. This paper explores approaches to both ...Conference paper -
Going beyond archiving - a collaborative tool for typological research
Published 2011-12-01The work described in this paper aims to outline some of the design aspects for a collaborative tool for typological research. This tool is designed to allow for the collation, from multiple contributors, of linguistic ...Conference paper -
Investigating Connected Speech from Tohono O'odham Digitized Legacy Data
Published 2011-01-01Archival and legacy resources provide rich material for linguistic investigation, provided such materials are accessible. The growing number of digital tools offers prospects for investigating new research questions. Working ...Conference paper -
Jurra is best: Metadata design for a range of outputs from legacy recordings
Published 2011-01-01This paper describes recent work with Gun-nartpa language material recorded on cassette tape in the Maningrida region in 1993-4. Returning in 2010 after a long absence I have commenced working in collaboration with Gun-nartpa ...Conference paper