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dc.identifier.otherRB Add.Ms. 327
dc.description[c. 15--]. [Title supplied by cataloguer.] Cover 50 x 36cm. Writing field 39 x 25cm. Text on both sides of leaf. Mediaeval manuscript choirbook on vellum; executed 16th century in Spain; massive binding of thick wooden boards covered with tanned leather, ruled in blind and fitted with 5 pierced brass metal bosses to each cover; metal strengthening to corner with metal clasps and catches; binding slightly repaired but very large and impressive; much used with many pages thumbed and worn (some defective and repaired). Gatherings mostly of eight leaves with sideways catchwords; leaf [32] inserted from a slightly smaller copy (ca. 41 x 26 cm.); 7 lines of text in a rounded gothic hand and of music on a five-line red stave, rubric in red, some capitals touched in yellow; many large calligraphic initials throughout, often with elaborate penwork infill in yellow; includes 43 large plain red initials, 102 large black initials in various styles (some celtic), 44 large red and blue initials with penwork infilling and surround, plus 2 similar, but very large and fine, red and blue initials (leaves 2? and 35?).en_AU
dc.description.abstractText comprises settings of the Sanctus and Agnus Dei, including 6 pages of polyphonic notation (leaves 25? to 27?, a setting of the Patrem omnipotentem factorem celi) and the offices from Christmas Day to Epiphany, the 12th day of Christmas. Contains an incomplete bifolium as rear paste-down: Catholic Church. Breviary (Ms. University of Sydney. Library. Rare Books and Special Collections Library. Add. Ms. 327). [Breviarum]. [11--].en_AU
dc.subject16th centuryen_AU
dc.titleRB Add.Ms. 327en_AU
dc.title.alternative[Choirbook with settings for the Mass and the Offices of Christmas, including a section of polyphonic neumes] [music]en_AU
dc.title.alternativeGradual (Pre-Vatican II)en_AU

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