Browsing Music Education by publication year
The musical education of academically gifted and talented students: Teachers’ and students’ perspectives
Published 2007-01-18This research project has been designed as a pilot study in a specific field of educational research that has not yet been thoroughly explored. The aim of this study has been to discover the perspectives of teachers and ...Thesis, Honours -
Exploring the self-concept and identity of Sydney Conservatorium students with and without absolute pitch
Published 2007-01-18Absolute Pitch (AP) is the ability to identify pitches without external references (Parncutt & Levitin, 2001). It is a rare ability that is more prevalent among musicians. This qualitative study explored the perceptions ...Thesis, Honours -
An exploration of a student string quartet as a model of cooperative learning
Published 2008-01-08This descriptive case study explores the functioning of a student string quartet during rehearsal. Through the theoretical lens of social constructivism, this study seeks to develop a meaningful interpretation of the ...Thesis, Honours -
The effects of a Cuban musical exchange trip on the musical journeys of students from a Sydney high school
Published 2008-01-08This ethnographic study provides a qualitative account and analysis of the ways in which students’ musical journeys are enhanced through cross cultural educational travel. Narrative reporting by Sydney High School students ...Thesis, Honours -
Teaching and learning within the cross-cultural transmission of West-African music in Australian community settings
Published 2008-01-08This study aimed to uncover the strategies being used to teach West-African music in cross-cultural, community settings in Australia. It examined the motivations that govern the decisions to teach and learn traditional ...Thesis, Honours -
A multi-case study of the ways music learning is used to meet the social, emotional and cultural challenges experienced by refugees and asylum seekers in Sydney
Published 2008-03-03This is a study of the ways in which refugee and asylum seeker learners benefit from engaging in community music programs during resettlement or detention. It explores the means by which music learning can address the ...Thesis, Honours -
The perceptions of adolescent boys regarding music participation and social behaviour
Published 2008-05-25This study is an exploration of adolescent boys’ perceptions of the relationship between music participation and social behaviour. Adolescent boys have been identified by the literature as a social group in particular need ...Thesis, Honours -
Canons in the classroom: An exploration of teachers' selection of works for musicological examination in New South Wales.
Published 2008-12-12This study provides a detailed view of current practice in relation to the New South Wales Board of Studies Music 2 Syllabus Mandatory Topic, ‘Music of the last 25 years (Australian focus)’. It closely examines various ...Thesis, Honours -
"Just sitting there learning": Case studies in NSW secondary school music and musical participation
Published 2008-12-18This study explores the relationships between school musical culture, adolescent musical preference and music teaching strategies in secondary school, in order to determine the extent to which these are factors influencing ...Thesis, Honours -
Why choose music? A study in parental motivation toward formal music learning and the cultural beliefs regarding its benefits.
Published 2008-12-18The purpose of this study was to examine the motivations of parents when choosing to engage their children in formal music learning, whilst exploring the cultural beliefs regarding its benefits. The study was conducted in ...Thesis, Honours -
Rational and intuitive approaches to music composition: The impact of individual differences in thinking/learning styles on compositional processes
Published 2008-12-18This study explores the idea that there are two different types of composers, those that use a rational process of composition involving pre-planning and use of external systems and those that use an intuitive process that ...Thesis, Honours -
Girls don't rock and boys don't bop: adolescent musical identity and gender stereotypes in popular music.
Published 2008-12-18This study investigated what are considered to be gender appropriate musical behaviours from the perspective of adolescents, with a particular focus on listening behaviours and musical preferences. Gender stereotypes in ...Thesis, Honours -
Love it, love it not: Parental attitudes regarding children’s music learning in Kuala Lumpur
Published 2008-12-18This study aimed to investigate parental beliefs regarding children’s music learning in Kuala Lumpur. It examined the reasons behind parental support for private instrumental tuition, the effect of parental conceptions of ...Thesis, Honours -
Music in the lives of Deaf students in an Australian school
Published 2009-01-05This qualitative case study explores the ways in which Deaf students involve themselves with music, in a variety of contexts and from multiple perspectives, including the students’ own perspective. A Sydney school offering ...Thesis, Honours -
Australian jazz musician-educators: An exploration of experts' approaches to teaching jazz
Published 2009-12-11This qualitative study explores the approaches of expert jazz musicians actively involved in teaching, or jazz musician-educators, towards teaching jazz. The participants were six jazz musician-educators, whose experiences ...Thesis, Honours -
Childhood to teacher: Pre-service educators' formative musical experiences and their decision to become a classroom music teacher
Published 2009-12-19This study explores the relationships between formative musical experiences, narrative constructions of music teacher identity and the influence of these identity constructions on the decision to become a classroom music ...Thesis, Honours -
The change in parental involvement in boys' instrumental practice
Published 2009-12-22This study examines the nature and influences of the change in parental involvement in boys’ instrumental practice within a single school context. Questionnaire data was collected from the parents of male students in Years ...Thesis, Honours -
Karen indigenous music and dance learning in an Australian non-formal context: A case study in maintenance and transmission
Published 2010-01-21This study examines the viability of transmission and maintenance of Karen indigenous music and dance in an Australian non-formal context. Qualitative in design, the research comprised an ethnographic case study of an ...Thesis, Honours -
Primary school band programs: Attitudes of students, parents and music staff
Published 2010-01-28This study aimed to discover how primary school band programs are organised and for what reasons these instrumental ensembles are constructed as extra-curricular, curricular, or co-curricular activities. It explores what ...Thesis, Honours -
Australian perspectives on Indigenous music education
Published 2010-02-19This study examined the contextual and philosophical pretexts underpinning the learning and teaching of music indigenous to Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and Papua New Guinean peoples through the eyes of six Australian ...Thesis, Honours