• Induction of labour: the development and application of a novel classification system 

      Nippita, Tanya A; Trevena, Judy A; Ford, Jane B; Patterson, Jillian A; Morris, Jonathan M; Roberts, Christine L.
      Published 2015-01-01
      OBJECTIVE To develop and demonstrate the applicability of a classification system for induction of labour (IOL) that fulfils recognised classification system attributes for clinical, surveillance and research purposes. ...
      Open Access
    • Obstetric anal sphincter injury rates among primiparous women with different modes of vaginal delivery 

      Ampt, Amanda J; Patterson, Jillian A; Roberts, Christine L.; Ford, Jane B
      Published 2015-01-01
      Objective: To determine whether OASI rates are increasing at equal rates among different vaginal birth modes. Methods: Using New South Wales (NSW) linked population data, the overall yearly OASI rates were determined among ...
      Open Access
    • Red cell and platelet transfusions in neonates: a population based study 

      Bowen, Jennifer R; Patterson, Jillian A; Roberts, Christine L.; Isbister, James P; Irving, David O; Ford, Jane B
      Published 2015-01-01
      Objectives: Reports of neonatal transfusion practices have focused predominantly on premature neonates admitted to neonatal intensive care units (NICU), however little is known about transfusion among other neonates. This ...
      Open Access
    • Trends and outcomes of postpartum haemorrhage, 2003-2011 

      Ford, Jane B; Patterson, Jillian A; Seeho, Sean; Roberts, Christine L.
      Published 2015-01-01
      Background: While rates of postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) have continued to rise, it is not clear if the association with other morbidity and transfusion has changed over time. This study explores the recent trend in postpartum ...
      Open Access
    • Variation in hospital caesarean section rates for preterm births 

      Bannister-Tyrrell, Melanie; Patterson, Jillian A; Ford, Jane B; Morris, Jonathan M
      Published 2015-01-01
      Background: Evidence about optimal mode of delivery for preterm birth is lacking and there is thought to be considerable variation in practice. Objective: To assess whether variation in hospital preterm caesarean section ...
      Open Access
      Article, Letter
    • Variation in hospital rates of induction of labour: a population-based record linkage study 

      Nippita, Tanya A; Trevena, Judy A; Patterson, Jillian A; Ford, Jane B; Morris, Jonathan M; Roberts, Christine L.
      Published 2015-01-01
      BACKGROUND: Understanding the extent of hospital heterogeneity in induction of labour (IOL) practices to identify areas of practice improvement may result in improved maternity outcomes. We examined inter-hospital variation ...
      Open Access