Browsing Research Publications and Outputs by subject "2101 Archaeology"
Actors, Athletes and Academics: Life in ancient Greece
Published 2015This is a significant exhibition in that it presents the Greek material from the Nicholson Museum collection in a new light. It abandons the art historical approach of previous exhibitions, and embraces an approach that ...Other -
Children in Antiquity: Greece and Egypt
Published 2015Childhood in antiquity was both remarkably different and, in some ways, remarkably similar to childhood as we know it today. While infant mortality was shockingly high in the ancient Mediterranean, and there were marked ...Other -
Hercules: Myth and Legacy
Published 2023-02-01Hercules: Myth and Legacy is an interdisciplinary exhibition that uses two narrative arcs simultaneously to retell the ancient mythological saga of Hercules’ twelve labours and to discuss the reception of Hercules in the ...Other -
Mediterranean Identities: Across the wine-dark sea
Published 2023-02-21Mediterranean Identities: Across the Wine-Dark Sea thematically explores the material culture of the Mediterranean basin of the first millennium BC. The themes were chosen to highlight the regional variations between ...Other -
Memento: Remembering Roman Lives
Published 2015The intention of the exhibition Memento: Remembering Roman Lives is exactly that—to remember the people named on these funeral inscriptions. The memorials name sailors from Egypt, Dalmatia and Thrace serving in the ...Other -
Pharaonic Obsessions: Ancient Egypt, an Australian Story
Published 2021Pharaonic Obsessions: Ancient Egypt, an Australian Story explores the modern history of Egyptology through the lens of Australian collecting practices, showcasing the University of Sydney’s significant holdings of ancient ...Other -
Roman Spectres
Published 2022Roman Spectres explores ancient Roman identity and how contemporary societies have conceptualised the ancient Roman world. The exhibition brings together significant Roman portraiture of the Nicholson Collection with large ...Other -
Shattered Glass: Illuminating the Past
Published 2015Glass is a paradoxical material. It has enough strength to span the 10 metre wide very large telescopes and yet, as we all know, when dropped on a hard surface can shatter into hundreds of fragments. This exhibition sets ...Other -
The Sky’s the Limit: Astronomy in Antiquity
Published 2015Ancient people looked to the skies to make sense of the world. Following the stars allowed people to predict the change of seasons, track time and create calendars. Sailors, as they struck out across the seas, used the ...Other -
Tombs, Tells and Temples: Excavating the Near East
Published 2015The development of a new permanent exhibition on the Near East presented an exciting opportunity to investigate the holdings from this region in the Nicholson Museum collection. Initial investigation revealed held material ...Other