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dc.contributor.authorTomsen, Stephen
dc.description.abstractFelony Fights is a website and set of DVDs depicting ‘no rules’ combat between male former convicts and a range of opponents. In these, the spectacle of violence serves to obscure the profoundly unequal relations of power that shape their production and viewing appeal. In Felony Fights, embodied marginality and poverty are presented as evidence of the animal brutality and the carceral character of the fighters. This resonates with populist explanations for criminality and male violence, and the punitive sentiments that are linked to law and order thinking about the failure of the penal system to adequately punish and inflict suffering on dangerous criminals.en_AU
dc.description.sponsorshipSydney Institute of Criminology; School of Social Sciences at the University of Western Sydneyen_AU
dc.publisherSydney Institute of Criminologyen_AU
dc.rightsThe author retains copyright of this work.en_AU
dc.subjectFelon Fightsen_AU
dc.subjectcritical criminologyen_AU
dc.titleFelon Fights: Masculinity, Spectacle and Sufferingen_AU
dc.typeConference paperen_AU
dc.contributor.departmentSydney Institute of Criminologyen_AU

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