History in Australian and New Zealand Business Schools: The Proceedings of the First AAHANZBS Conference.

Editor: Greg Patmore

Publisher: Business and Labour History Group, The University of Sydney

ISBN: 978-1-74210-164-4

The inaugural conference of the Academic Association of Historians in Australian and New Zealand Business Schools (AAHANZBS) is being held at The University of Sydney, 14-15 December 2009.

The symposium is organised on behalf of AAHANZBS by the Business and Labour History Group, The University of Sydney, with the financial support of the University’s Faculty of Economics and Business.

The inaugural conference of AAHANZBS provides an opportunity for researchers to present papers across a wide range of topics. There are three main themes:

  1. The role of historical research in developing theoretical perspectives in business and management;
  2. How historical research aids our understanding of contemporary issues in business and management;
  3. Teaching history in business and management schools.
The conference includes both refereed and non-refereed streams. All refereed conference papers (full versions) were double-blind assessed by two anonymous referees. The authors retain copyright over, and take full responsibility for, their papers and abstracts.

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