• DESA1002 'Continuous City' Li Vern Lim 

      Lim, Li Vern
      Published 2009-11-03
      My building is an Otaku Centre called “オタク天国” which literally means Otaku Heaven. “Otaku” is a Japanese term used to refer to people with obsessive interests, particularly anime, manga and video games. My design caters to ...
      Open Access
    • DESA1002 'Continuous City' Marie-Claire Dent 

      Dent, Marie-Claire
      Published 2009-11-03
      Over the 12 weeks of the semester a major design project was created. Each week a specific exercise was done which helped in determining a final design project. My final project is a Health Spa and Gymnasium which reflected ...
      Open Access
    • DESA1002 'Continuous City' - Jimmy He 

      He, Jimmy
      Published 2009-11-03
      The entire block site serves as the transport hub of the region, with the monorail station as the centre piece, which like a fish swimming through the water, cuts its way through the city's buildings. 
The most important ...
      Open Access
    • DESA1002 'Continuous City' <Alex Moore> 

      Moore, Alexandra
      Published 2009-11-05
      I designed a Creativity Hub - a combination of gallery, library and discussion space designed to stimulate a flow of ideas. The facade is designed to be a more organic and modern re-interpretation of the traditional Amsterdam ...
      Open Access
    • DESA1002 'Continuous City' <Amanda Mei Ting Chan> 

      Chan, Amanda Mei Ting
      Published 2009-11-09
      The Tokyo International Aquarium, located in the urban districts of Tokyo, functions as a marine observatoriam, marine research lab and a public learning centre. The building is an integration of Earth's paradoxes; the ...
      Open Access
    • DESA1002 'Continuous City' <Amy Tahere> 

      Tahere, Amy
      Published 2009-11-09
      ‘The curve’ is a space designed for relaxation, leisure, social gatherings, recreation and reconnection. It consists of a series of curved pathways, water gardens, a café, restaurant, bar, exhibition studio, a quiet hub, ...
      Open Access
    • DESA1002 'Continuous City' <Casthuri Kamalaraj> 

      Kamalaraj, Casthuri
      Published 2009-11-05
      The city of Amsterdam is a densely packed area, using every space possible to boast its unique architectural identity. In my project, I have explored these core foundations in Amsterdam architecture, whilst tying it together ...
      Open Access
    • DESA1002 'Continuous City' <Daniel Attard> 

      Attard, Daniel
      Published 2009-11-05
      By analysing Amsterdam’s social context, I have come to understand the “tight nit” atmosphere which brings them together. I am fond of keeping traditional aspects of their society the way it is, so the building i have ...
      Open Access
    • DESA1002 'Continuous City' <Danielle Gardner> 

      Gardner, Danielle
      Published 2009-11-05
      My familiarity of the design process has been extended and I have found this semester to be a rewarding and worthwhile experience where I have been challenged and have begun to have a clearer understanding of the different ...
      Open Access
    • DESA1002 'Continuous City' <George Wang> 

      Wang, George
      Published 2009-11-09
      My work is simply a two story book cafe which locates in Amsterdam. It follows traditional amsterdam architectural style which its structure is mainly brick-based. However,modern element is also brought into my project , ...
      Open Access
    • DESA1002 'Continuous City' <Hannah Humphrey> 

      Humphrey, Hannah
      Published 2009-11-09
      The concept of my building is to offer a retreat from the bustle of the market and every day life. The restaurant is set in the busiest corner of the city, and so the single entrance serves to provide a clear distinction ...
      Open Access
    • DESA1002 'Continuous City' <Holly Lim> 

      Lim, Holly
      Published 2009-11-05
      Upon the Eastern shores of the worn sandstone city of Dubrovnik lies a salt-encrusted gem, nestled safe in seclusion within the crumbling city walls, worthy of ancient festivities. Inspired by the annual Dubrovnik Carnival, ...
      Open Access
    • DESA1002 'Continuous City' <Hope Dryden> 

      Dryden, Hope
      Published 2009-11-05
      My concept for this semester was a museum in Isfahan. Through researching the city I found that the vernacular is lacking in contemporary architecture, with the predominate features being stunning intricate mosques to ...
      Open Access
    • DESA1002 'Continuous City' <James Free> 

      Free, James
      Published 2009-11-09
      A building designed for Stockholm to celebrate the richness of artistic culture present within the city and the region. 'Observera' is the location of Stockholm's premier exhbition space.
      Open Access
    • DESA1002 'Continuous City' <Janine Manzana> 

      Manzana, Janine
      Published 2009-11-09
      an iconic broadcasting sub-station for Sweden's national broadcasting network. Located in the heart of Stockholm's Gamla Stan region - between the Royal Palace and House of Parliment - its main feature is a large retractable ...
      Open Access
    • DESA1002 'Continuous City' <Jason Hotten> 

      Hotten, Jason
      Published 2009-11-12
      Health and fitness is so important in today’s times especially for our youth. In this exclusive part of Paris, Place Vendome, the culture is rich in fashion and modelling. These people want to look good and want to be seen. ...
      Open Access
    • DESA1002 'Continuous City' <Jelena Cupac> 

      Cupac, Jelena
      Published 2009-11-05
      Venice is a place where the ground, the sky and the water are unified in almost a magical way. Venice is a city in which the imagination may be let loose. The fusion of the historical sites and cultural elements inspires ...
      Open Access
    • DESA1002 'Continuous City' <Joshua Ho> 

      Ho, Joshua
      Published 2009-11-05
      Stockholm’s Unheard of is a live music venue that provides leisure. It also invites and promotes artists from all over the world, even the unheard-of. Apart from the aural entertainment, the venue also supply food and ...
      Open Access
    • DESA1002 'Continuous City' <Kate Cecil> 

      Cecil, Kate
      Published 2009-11-05
      This semester I have designed the Tokyo Tourist Towers. This has allowed me to be creative in a way I thought never possible. With my site being located in the centre of a major and highly populated city, I decided to ...
      Open Access
    • DESA1002 'Continuous City' <Madeleine Bird> 

      Bird, Madeleine
      Published 2010-06-18
      Young Writer’s Pavilion is a self publishing house located in the Vendome Square Paris it will provide the creative minds of Paris a space of inspiration where they can share ideas and concepts with other emerging writers. ...
      Open Access