Paid Care in Australia: Politics, Profits, Practices
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Paid Care in Australia: Politics, Profits, Practices
Edited by Debra King and Gabrielle Meagher
Sydney University Press
ISBN: 9781920899295
Care for Australia's children and elderly is provided in a mixed economy, in which for-profit providers are playing an increasingly important role alongside more traditional government and non-government organisations. Does the growth of for-profit provision affect the quality of services or of jobs in paid care? Does it change the political dynamics of the social care sector in contemporary welfare states? How might service users, their families, and organisations work together to sustain and improve the quality of care services? What theories and evidence help us to understand the process and consequences of the shift toward for-profit provision of social care? In nine chapters by leading researchers, this book explores these and other questions, to inform policy and practice in this key field of social policy.
To purchase a hard copy of this book please visit the Sydney University Press web site
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