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dc.contributor.authorHuang, Jeanne
dc.description.abstractSpecial Economic Zones (SEZ) have become the forefront in China to test legal and technological reforms for digital trade. This chapter explores three cutting-edge case studies in China’s SEZs: the Beijing blockchain-based Single Window deposit box; newly established big data exchanges in Beijing, Tianjin, and Shanghai SEZs; and pilot projects in financial, medical care and automobile industries to flow data across the border in the Shanghai SEZ. It scrutinizes China's experiments in the context of its applications to join CPTPP and DEPA. It argues that the development of Chinese domestic law for digital trade is shifting away from the traditional paradigm that uses international commitments to push domestic reform or make domestic law according to international law. The development of Chinese domestic law for digital trade relies much more on China’s domestic needs than what FTAs negotiations require. FTAs are increasingly becoming a tool for China to shape international law rather than a benchmark for legislating domestic Chinese law.en_AU
dc.rightsCopyright All Rights Reserveden_AU
dc.subjectSpecial Economic Zonesen_AU
dc.subjectDigital Tradeen_AU
dc.subjectFree Trade Agreementen_AU
dc.titleDigitalization of Special Economic Zones in Chinaen_AU
dc.typeWorking Paperen_AU
dc.relation.otherChina Studies Centre
usyd.facultyChina Studies Centreen_AU

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