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dc.contributor.authorIslami Fen_AU
dc.contributor.authorChen Wen_AU
dc.contributor.authorYu XQen_AU
dc.contributor.authorLortet-Tieulent Jen_AU
dc.contributor.authorZheng Ren_AU
dc.contributor.authorFlanders WDen_AU
dc.contributor.authorXia Cen_AU
dc.contributor.authorThun MJen_AU
dc.contributor.authorGapstur SMen_AU
dc.contributor.authorEzzati Men_AU
dc.contributor.authorJemal Aen_AU
dc.description.abstractBackground The burden of cancer in China is high, and it is expected to further increase. Information on cancers attributable to potentially modifiable risk factors is essential in planning preventive measures against cancer. We estimated the number and proportion of cancer deaths and cases attributable to ever-smoking, second-hand smoking, alcohol drinking, low fruit/vegetable intake, excess body weight, physical inactivity, and infections in China, using contemporary data from nationally representative surveys and cancer registries. Methods The number of cancer deaths and cases in 2013 were obtained from the National Central Cancer Registry of China and data on most exposures were obtained from the China National Nutrition and Health Survey 2002 or 2006 and Global Adult Tobacco Smoking 2010. We used a bootstrap simulation method to calculate the number and proportion of cancer deaths and cases attributable to risk factors and their corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CIs), allowing for uncertainty in data. Results Approximately 718 000 (95% CI 702 100–732 200) cancer deaths in men and 283 100 (278 800–288 800) cancer deaths in women were attributable to the studied risk factors, accounting for 52% of all cancer deaths in men and 35% in women. The numbers for incident cancer cases were 952 500 (95% CI 934 200–971 400) in men and 442 700 (437 200–447 900) in women, accounting for 47% of all incident cases in men and 28% in women. The greatest proportions of cancer deaths attributable to risk factors were for smoking (26%), HBV infection (12%), and low fruit/vegetable intake (7%) in men and HBV infection (7%), low fruit/vegetable intake (6%), and second-hand smoking (5%) in women. Conclusions Effective public health interventions to eliminate or reduce exposure from these risk factors, notably tobacco control and vaccinations against carcinogenic infections, can have considerable impact on reducing the cancer burden in China.en_AU
dc.publisherAnnals of Oncologyen_AU
dc.subject.otherCancer Type - All Cancers combineden_AU
dc.titleCancer deaths and cases attributable to lifestyle factors and infections in Chinaen_AU

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