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dc.contributor.authorCollett GKen_AU
dc.contributor.authorDurcinoska Ien_AU
dc.contributor.authorRankin Nen_AU
dc.contributor.authorBlinman Pen_AU
dc.contributor.authorBarnes DJen_AU
dc.contributor.authorAnderiesz Cen_AU
dc.contributor.authorYoung JMen_AU
dc.description.abstractPURPOSE: Improving the coordination of care for people with lung cancer is a health priority. This study aimed to tailor an existing care coordination survey for a lung cancer population, investigate coordination experiences for patients who had received hospital-based treatment and identify any factors that may be associated with poor care coordination. METHODS: We conducted a cross-sectional survey of lung patients within two tertiary hospitals in Sydney, Australia. The Cancer Care Coordination Questionnaire for Patients (CCCQ-P) is a psychometrically valid and reliable survey originally developed for colorectal cancer. We pilot tested a survey adaptation with lung cancer patients, support group members and medical specialists (n = 49). A revised survey was mailed to eligible patients via their medical specialist. RESULTS: Fifty-three of 118 eligible participants (45%) completed the CCCQ-P; most had early-stage disease and were about 70 years old. Overall, participants reported positive experiences of care coordination (mean total score 78.1), with high scores on communication and navigation subscales. The most problematic areas related to administrative aspects of care coordination and communication and information provision. Two patient groups (those residing in regional and rural areas, or no experience with the health system prior to diagnosis) reported significantly lower scores on the navigation subscale. CONCLUSIONS: This study found that lung cancer patients' experience of care coordination was positive, but highlighted the need for strategies to assist patients living in rural areas, and those with no experience of the health care system. The CCCQ-P survey instrument can be used in future lung cancer studies.en_AU
dc.publisherSupportive Care in Canceren_AU
dc.subject.otherCancer Type - Lung Canceren_AU
dc.titlePatients' experience of lung cancer care coordination: a quantitative explorationen_AU
dc.relation.otherThis work was supported by Cancer Australia as part of the NSW Collaboration of the Lung Cancer Demonstration Project (LCDP). The LCDP is an initiative of Cancer Australia, funded by the Australian Government. The study funder, Cancer Australia, had no role in the study design; the collection, analysis, and interpretation of data; or in the decision to submit the article for publication.en_AU

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