Beaches of the New South Wales Coast - Second Edition
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Beaches of the New South Wales Coast - Second Edition
Andrew Short
SUP - Marine Studies
ISBN: 9781920898151
398 pages, 446 original figures including over 400 photographs; glossary, beach index, general index, surf index
The second edition of this popular book has been completely rewritten and expanded. It covers every one of the 757 open coast beaches, as well as 120 beaches in five large bays including Sydney Harbour and the 15 beaches on Lord Howe Island - in all 892 beaches. It also covers 276 of NSW top surfing sites.
It has two aims: first to provide the public with general information on the origin and nature of all NSW beaches including the contribution of geology, oceanography, climate and biota to the beaches, together with information on beach hazards and beach safety. Second, to provide a description of each beach, emphasising its physical characteristics including its name(s), location, access, facilities, dimensions and the character of the beach and surf zone. In particular, it comments on the suitability of the beach for bathing, surfing and fishing, with special emphasis on the natural hazards. Based on the physical hazards all beaches are rated in terms of their public beach safety and scaled accordingly from 1 (least hazardous) to 10 (most hazardous).
To purchase a hard copy of this book please visit the Sydney University Press web site.
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