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dc.contributor.authorScrymgour, Marion
dc.description.abstractKeynote Address - Ms Marion Scrymgour MLA Member for Arafura, Northern Territory Government. Other Speakers - Professor Gavin Brown AO FAA, Vice-Chancellor and Principal, University of Sydney; Mr Neville Perkins OAM, Master of Ceremonies; Mr Charles Madden, Welcome to country; Ms Michelle Blanchard, Acting Director, Koori Centre; Mr Nicholas Beeton, Ms Kerry Wallace-Massone, Ms Jade Swan Prize winners, Dr Charles Perkins AO Annual Memorial Prizesen
dc.publisherKoori Centre, University of Sydneyen
dc.relation.ispartofseriesDr Charles Perkins AO Annual Memorial Oration and Prizeen
dc.rightsOther than for the purposes of and subject to the conditions prescribed under the Copyright Act, items may not in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, microcopying, photocopying, recording or otherwise) be altered, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted without prior written permission from the University of Sydney Library and/or the appropriate author.en
dc.subjectCommonwealth interventionsen
dc.subjectNorthern Territory interventionsen
dc.subjectAboriginals Ordinanceen
dc.subjectIndigenous impoverishment; disadvantageen
dc.subjectIndigenous socio-economic conditions; social crisisen
dc.subjectLittle Children are Sacred reporten
dc.subjectChild health; protectionen
dc.subjectChild abuseen
dc.subjectCommunity Development Employment Program CDEPen
dc.subjectAssimilation; control; coercionen
dc.subjectAboriginal unemploymenten
dc.subjectRace Discrimination Acten
dc.subjectPolitical motivationen
dc.titleWhose national emergency? Caboolture and Kirribili? or Milikapiti and Mutitjulu?en

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