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dc.contributor.authorShockley, Clara
dc.contributor.authorBaskind, Frank R.
dc.description.abstractToday in the United States of America, social work education at the baccalaureate, master’s, and doctoral levels enjoys high demand, while continuously evolving in response to its environment and the changing context of professional practice. This chapter explores the salient features that propel American social work education towards excellence. These include the Council on Social Work Education’s Educational Philosophy and Educational Standards (EPAS); the credentials and scholarship of the faculty who craft the programs and curricula; accreditation standards that address global awareness; the values and ethics of the profession; and economic and social justice through a lens of cultural competency. Contemporary issues in American higher education also are identified to illustrate social work education’s responses to evolving trends in university teaching.en_AU
dc.rightsCopyright Sydney University Pressen_AU
dc.subjectsocial work educationen_AU
dc.subjectsocial services - international cooperationen_AU
dc.subjecthuman servicesen_AU
dc.titleSocial work education in the United States: beyond boundariesen_AU
dc.typeBook chapteren_AU

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