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dc.contributor.authorClarke, Stephen
dc.description.abstractDemosthenes 8 is a crucial speech which has long been neglected and rarely given the attention it deserves. The speech focuses on Athenian relations with Philip in this crucial northern region and why Philip is a threat to Athenian interests in the area. Demosthenes seeks to paint Philip as the one who broke the terms of the Peace of Philokrates, even though the historical narrative is not supportive of this claim. The thesis seeks to provide the historical background to the speech and explain the historical significance and veracity of all aspects relevant to the Khersonnese, an area that it was crucial for both Philip and Athens to control. The speech is a study of the historical aspects raised in the speech only and does not engage in a philological discussion except where it is necessary to explain the history. The thesis demonstrates that Demosthenes is an skilled politician, able to depict Philip’s actions in the worst possible light and that the Khersonnese was indeed so critical to both that war was almost inevitable. The study finds that this speech is a masterpiece of Demosthenic rhetoric, demonstrating all of Demosthenes’ considerable skill and reflecting the themes raised in the corpus of Demosthenes’ sumbouleutic oratory.en_AU
dc.rightsThe author retains copyright of this thesis. It may only be used for the purposes of research and study. It must not be used for any other purposes and may not be transmitted or shared with others without prior permission.en_AU
dc.subjectPhilip IIen_AU
dc.titleAn Historical Commentary on Demosthenes 8, 'On the Khersonnese'en_AU
dc.type.thesisDoctor of Philosophyen_AU
usyd.facultyFaculty of Arts and Social Sciences, School of Languages and Culturesen_AU
usyd.departmentDepartment of Classics and Ancient Historyen_AU
usyd.degreeDoctor of Philosophy Ph.D.en_AU
usyd.awardinginstThe University of Sydneyen_AU

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