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dc.contributor.authorBin, Yu Sun
dc.contributor.authorFord, Jane B.
dc.contributor.authorNicholl, Michael C.
dc.contributor.authorRoberts, Christine L.
dc.identifier.citationBin YS, Ford JB, Nicholl MC, Roberts CL. Long-term childhood outcomes of breech presentation by intended mode of delivery: a population record linkage study. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecological Scandinavica 2017; 96:342-351.en_AU
dc.description.abstractIntroduction: There is a lack of information on childhood outcomes by mode of delivery for term breech presentation. We aimed to compare childhood mortality, cerebral palsy, hospitalizations, development, and educational outcomes associated with intended vaginal breech birth (VBB) compared to planned cesarean section (CS). Materials and Methods: Population birth and hospital records from New South Wales, Australia were used to identify women with non-anomalous pregnancies eligible for VBB from 2001 to 2012. Intended mode of delivery was inferred from labor onset and management. Death, hospital, and education records were used for follow-up until 2014. Cox proportional hazards regression and modified Poisson regression were used for analysis. Results: Of 15,340 women considered eligible for VBB, 7.8% intended VBB, 74.2% planned CS, and intention was uncertain for 18.1%. Intended VBB did not differ from planned CS on infant mortality (Fisher’s exact p=0.55), childhood mortality (Fisher’s exact p=0.50), cerebral palsy (Fisher’s exact p=1.00), hospitalization in the first year of life (adjusted HR 1.04; 95% CI 0.90 – 1.20), hospitalization between the first and sixth birthdays (0.92; 0.82 – 1.04), being developmentally vulnerable (adjusted RR 1.22; 95% CI 0.48 – 1.88) or having special needs status (0.95; 0.48 – 1.88) when aged 4 – 6, scoring more than 1 standard deviation below the mean on tests of reading (1.10; 0.87 – 1.40) and numeracy (1.04; 0.81 – 1.34) when aged 7 – 9. Conclusions: Planned vaginal breech birth confers no additional risks for child health, development, or educational achievement compared to planned cesarean section.en_AU
dc.description.sponsorshipNHMRC, ARCen_AU
dc.relationNHMRC 1021025, ARC FT12010069, NHMRC 1001066en_AU
dc.subjectbreech presentationen_AU
dc.subjectcesarean sectionen_AU
dc.subjectinfant mortalityen_AU
dc.subjectcerebral palsyen_AU
dc.subjectdevelopmental disabilitiesen_AU
dc.subjecteducational achievementen_AU
dc.subjectcohort studyen_AU
dc.titleLong-term childhood outcomes of breech presentation by intended mode of delivery: a population record linkage studyen_AU

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