Researchers, communities, institutions and sound recordings (2003)
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Linguists, ethnomusicologists and anthropologists all record audio material as part of their research. This material has immense cultural significance as it is often the only record of endangered cultures. Its uniqueness also places an ethical obligation on the researchers to look after the material so that it can be returned to the community if desired. We are in the midst of the digital revolution, and standards are currently being forged for encoding, indexing and sharing of data that will affect the work of all researchers now and into the future.
Whether linguists, musicologists, oral historians or anthropologists, we share a common concern to ensure that our primary data is transferred and maintained in the digital domain in ways that maximise future longevity and access, and are congruent with our ethical undertakings to our collaborators. In many cases these aims are quite contrary to the interests of the global commercial music industry, which continues to dominate technological development of digital audio. At the same time our institutions are in the early stages of establishing appropriate models for managing and sharing electronic resources within national and international academic and library networks. We consider that it is timely for a researcher's perspective to be contributed to these debates.
This collection of papers was originally published through Open Conference Systems by the Faculty of Arts, University of Sydney in 2004:
Recent Submissions
Representing information about words digitally
Published 2004-01-01The late 1960s saw the start of the "electronic-dictionary age" (de Schryver, 2003). The growth in the use of computers has transformed all aspects of dictionary-making, from collecting data about word meanings and uses, ...Conference paper -
History, memory and music: The repatriation of digital audio to Yolngu communities, or, memory as metadata
Published 2004-01-01This paper will examine a range of issues surrounding the documentation, digitization, and repatriation of archival field recordings of Yolngu music as an integral part of a project on the history of Arnhem Land music ...Conference paper -
Searching for meaning in the Library of Babel: field semantics and problems of digital archiving
Published 2004-01-01Languages are made up of linguistic signs, each of which is a conventional pairing of a form and a meaning. In spoken languages, the form is sound; in signed languages, it is a visual sign. A central task in documenting ...Conference paper -
The politics of context: issues for law, researchers and the creation of databases
Published 2004-01-01Field recordings pose many dilemmas for intellectual property law, researchers, and the creation of databases containing Indigenous knowledge. Challenges arise because these field recordings in tangible form undergo constant ...Conference paper -
’Now Balanda Say We Lost Our Land in 1788’: Challenges to the Recognition of Yolŋu Law in Contemporary Australia
Published 2004-01-01This essay examines some of the cultural underpinnings of contemporary Yolŋu calls for the comprehensive recognition of their full political rights and legal jurisdiction over northeast Arnhem Land by Australian governments. ...Conference paper