• MINIMAL dataset - PrEP utilisation estimates 

      Zablotska, Iryna
      Published 2018-08-10
      This dataset includes all variables used in analyses for the paper entitled "The estimated number of potential PrEP users among gay-identifying men who have sex with men in Australia" by Zablotska et al submitted for ...
      Open Access
    • Optimal governance and implementation of vaccination programmes to contain the COVID-19 pandemic. 

      Piraveenan, Mahendra; Sawleshwarkar, Shailendra; Walsh, Michael; Zablotska, Iryna; Bhattacharyya, Samit; Farooqui, Habib Hassan; Bhatnagar, Tarun; Karan, Anup; Murhekar, Manoj; Zodpey, Sanjay; Rao, K S Mallikarjuna; Pattison, Philippa; Zomaya, Albert; Perc, Matjaz
      Published 2021
      Since the recent introduction of several viable vaccines for SARS-CoV-2, vaccination uptake has become the key factor that will determine our success in containing the COVID-19 pandemic. We argue that game theory and social ...