• Cancer incidence and mortality in people aged less than 75 years: changes in Australia over the period 1987-2007 

      Sitas F; O'Connell DL; Smith MA; Armstrong K; Yu XQ; Canfell K; Robotin M; Feletto E; Penman A; Gibberd A; Kahn C; Weber MF; Chiew M; Supramaniam R; Velentzis L; Nickson C; Smith DP
      Published 2013
      BACKGROUND: Australia has one of the highest rates of cancer incidence worldwide and, despite improving survival, cancer continues to be a major public health problem. Our aim was to provide simple summary measures of ...
    • Clinical validation of the cobas HPV test on the cobas 6800 system for the purpose of cervical screening 

      Saville M; Sultana F; Malloy MJ; Velentzis L; Caruana M; Ip ELO; Keung MHT; Canfell K; Brotherton JML; Hawkes D
      Published 2019
      This study demonstrates that the clinical sensitivity, specificity, and reproducibility of the novel cobas human papillomavirus (HPV) test on the cobas 6800 system for high-risk HPV types fulfills the criteria for use in ...
    • Genome-wide association analysis identifies three new breast cancer susceptibility loci 

      Ghoussaini M; Luccarini C; Mannermaa A; Kataja V; Kosma VM; Hartikainen JM; Lambrechts D; Yesilyurt BT; Floris G; Leunen K; Manoukian S; Hall P; Tsimiklis H; Makalic E; Margolin S; Turnbull C; Schmidt D; Bui M; Hopper JL; Baynes C; Apicella C; Lindblom A; Park DJ; Southey M; Hunter DJ; Chanock SJ; Giles GG; Broeks A; Verhoef S; Schmidt MK; Hogervorst FB; Fasching PA; Borrensen-Dale AL; Fortuzzi S; Lux MP; Beckmann MW; Ekici AB; Sawyer E; Baglietto L; Tomlinson I; Kerin M; Marme F; Schneeweiss A; John EM; Dicks E; Sohn C; Peterlongo P; Burwinkel B; Guenel P; Truong T; Severi G; Cordina-Duverger E; Menegaux F; Bojesen SE; Irwanto A; Nordestgaard BG; Nielsen SF; Flyger H; Dennis J; Couch FJ; Milne RL; Alonso MR; McLean C; Gonzalez-Neira A; Benitez J; Miron A; Anton-Culver H; Ziogas A; Bernstein L; Dur CC; Brenner H; Muller H; Wang X; Wang Q; Conroy D; Arndt V; Winqvist R; Stegmaier C; Justenhoven C; Brauch H; Bruning T; Wang-Gohrke S; Eilber U; Dork T; Schurmann P; Stevens K; Alnaes GG; Pylkas K; Bremer M; Humphreys MK; Hillemanns P; Bogdanova NV; Antonenkova NN; Rogov YI; Karstens JH; Bermisheva M; Prokofieva D; Khusnutdinova E; Jukkola-Vuorinen A; Kristensen V; Lee A; Kauppila S; Andrulis IL; Czene K; Maranian M; Glendon G; Mulligan AM; Devilee P; Liu J; van Asperen CJ; Tollenaar RA; Seynaeve C; Figueroa JD; Garcia-Closas M; Muller-Myhsok B; Brinton L; Lissowska J; Ahmed S; Hooning MJ; Hollestelle A; Nevanlinna H; Oldenburg RA; van den Ouweland AM; Cox A; Reed MW; Lichtner P; Shah M; Jakubowska A; Lubinski J; Jaworska K; Driver K; Durda K; Aittomaki K; Jones M; Schoemaker M; Ashworth A; Bonanni B; Swerdlow A; Beesley J; Chen X; Muir KR; Lophatananon A; Rattanamongkongul S; Johnson N; Blomqvist C; Chaiwerawattana A; Kang D; Chang-Claude J; Yoo KY; Noh DY; Shen CY; Yu JC; Wu PE; Hsiung CN; Perkins A; Swann R; Michailidou K; Orr N; Hein R; Velentzis L; Eccles DM; Tapper WJ; Gerty SM; Graham NJ; Ponder BA; Chenevix-Trench G; Pharoah PD; Lathrop M; Meindl A; Nickels S; Dunning AM; dos Santos Silva I; Rahman N; Peto J; Easton DF; Waisfisz Q; Fletcher O; Meijers-Heijboer H; Uitterlinden AG; Rivadeneira F; Flesch-Janys D; Schmutzler RK
      Published 2012
      Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women. To date, 22 common breast cancer susceptibility loci have been identified accounting for approximately 8% of the heritability of the disease. We attempted to replicate ...
    • HPV-FRAME: A consensus statement and quality framework for modelled evaluations of HPV-related cancer control 

      Canfell K; Kim J; Kulasingam S; Berkhof J; Barnabas R; Bogaards J; Campos N; Jennett C; Sharma M; Simms K; Smith M; Velentzis L; Brisson M; Jit M
      Published 2019
      Intense research activity in HPV modelling over this decade has prompted the development of additional guidelines to those for general modelling. A specific framework is required to address different policy questions and ...
    • Improving breast cancer screening in Australia: a public health perspective 

      Nickson C; Velentzis L; Brennan P; Mann G; Houssami N
      Published 2019
      There are currently no single disruptors to breast cancer screening akin to the impact of human papillomavirus testing and vaccination on cervical cancer screening. However, there is a groundswell of interest to review the ...
    • Pathways to a Cancer-Free Future: a protocol for modelled evaluations to maximize the future impact on cervical cancer in Australia 

      Velentzis L; Smith MA; Simms KT; Lew JB; Hall M; Hughes S; Yuill S; Killen J; Keane A; Butler K; Darlington-Brown J; Hui H; Lawrence B; Brotherton J; Skinner R; Brand A; Heley S; Carter J; Bateson D; Carter R; Frazer I; Guy R; Hammond I; Grogan P; Saville M; Armstrong BK; Canfell K
      Published 2019
      Objective Australia's HPV vaccination and HPV-based cervical screening programs are changing the landscape in cervical cancer prevention. We aim to identify areas which can make the biggest further impact on cervical cancer ...
    • Prospective validation of the NCI breast Cancer Risk Assessment Tool (Gail Model) on 40,000 Australian women 

      Nickson C; Procopio P; Velentzis L; Carr S; Devereux L; Mann B; James P; Lee G; Wellard C; Campbell I
      Published 2018
      There is a growing interest in delivering more personalised, risk-based breast cancer screening protocols. This requires population-level validation of practical models that can stratify women into breast cancer risk groups. ...
    • The State of Cancer Control in Australia 1987-2007: Changes in cancer incidence and mortality 

      Feletto E; Gibberd A; Kahn C; Armstrong K; Canfell K; Chiew M; Grogan P; Carolyn Nickson; O'Connell DL; Penman A; Robotin M; Smith DP; Smith MA; Supramaniam R; Velentzis L; Weber MF; Yu XQ; Sitas F
      Published 2013
      In this section, eight cancer types are outlined briefly as a way of contextualising the analysis and highlighting cancer types that are important in Australia – either because of their public health programs or because ...
      Report, Research