• Applying Vehicle Tracking And Palmtop Technology To Urban Freight Surveys 

      Taylor, Samantha Y; Green, Jeffrey; Richardson, Anthony Joseph
      Published 1998-03-01
      Following the success of the Victorian Activity & Travel Survey (VATS) of household travel, the Transport Research Centre (TRC) initiated a Freight Activity & Commercial Travel Survey (FACTS) to provide a much needed ...
      Open Access
      Working Paper
    • Interpreting Commercial Vehicle Survey Data 

      Taylor, Samantha Y; Ogden, Ken
      Published 1997-09-01
      Analytical rigour in statistical analysis is often taken for granted. Although every effort may be made in the initial phases, there may be several factors which influence the resulting accuracy of data. This paper describes ...
      Open Access
      Working Paper
    • Modelling Urban Freight: What Works, What Doesn't Work? 

      Taylor, Samantha Y; Button, Kenneth J
      Published 1999-07-01
      There are now numerous models that seek to explain urban freight patterns. Many of these models are for short-term policy but others are used for long-term planning. This paper looks at the alternative approaches that are ...
      Open Access
      Working Paper
    • Privatisation and Management Education in the Transport Industry 

      Taylor, Samantha Y; Young, William
      Published 1998-03-01
      This paper reviews the development of a number of education programs for the transport industry. The need for these programs was created by the privatisation of government activities. The programs were developed in a ...
      Open Access
      Working Paper
    • The Reality Of Survey Results; An Urban Goods Movement Case Study 

      Taylor, Samantha Y; Ogden, Kenneth W
      Published 1998-01-01
      Results from a commercial vehicle survey undertaken in Sydney, Australia show relative standard errors varying from 5% to 33%. When looking at similar survey data from around the world, very few explicitly state the accuracy ...
      Open Access
      Working Paper
    • Technology Application for Freight Data Collection 

      Taylor, Samantha Y
      Published 1997-11-01
      This paper looks at the application of GPS, GIS, wireless communication networks and Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) technology to freight data collection. The Transport Research Centre (in Melbourne) is undertaking a ...
      Open Access
      Working Paper
    • The Utilisation of Commercial Vehicles in Urban Areas 

      Taylor, Samantha Y; Ogden, Ken
      Published 1997-12-01
      This paper examines the utilisation of commercial vehicles in the greater Sydney metropolitan region. It is based on an analysis of data from the 1991/92 Commercial Vehicle Survey (CVS) undertaken by the Transport Data ...
      Open Access
      Working Paper