• Advances in GPS Technology for Measuring Travel 

      Stopher, Peter; FitzGerald, Camden; Zhang, Jun
      Published 2006-07-01
      Since the late 1990s, GPS has begun to be used as a method for measuring personal travel. Early devices were for in-vehicle use only and derived their power from the accessory socket of the car. In the early 2000s, the ...
      Open Access
      Working Paper
    • Are More Profiles Better than Less? Searching for Parsimony and Relevance in Stated Choice Experiments 

      Stopher, Peter; Hensher, David A.
      Published 1999-06-01
      Open Access
      Working Paper
    • Can GPS replace conventional travel surveys? Some findings 

      Stopher, Peter; Prasad, Christine; Zhang, Jun
      Published 2010-12-01
      Global Positioning System (GPS) devices have been considered as a substitute for conventional travel diaries for some time. However, only in the past year has a serious effort been made to trial replacement of travel diaries ...
      Open Access
      Working Paper
    • Cars, Congestion, Public Transport, and Pricing: A Reality Check 

      Stopher, Peter
      Published 2003-06-01
      For some little while now, the flavour of the month in transport policy seems to have been to set goals for massive relative increases in public transport ridership, reduction of car use, all resulting in a hoped-for ...
      Open Access
      Working Paper
    • The challenge of obtaining ground truth for GPS processing 

      Stopher, Peter; Shen, Li; Liu, Wen; Ahmed, Asif
      Published 2015-03-01
      The increasing use of GPS as a substitute or complement to conventional travel surveys has brought with it an increasing need for a reliable source of ground truth, i.e., information on the actual travel in which each ...
      Open Access
      Working Paper
    • The challenges and opportunities of in-depth analysis of multi-day and multi-year data 

      Moutou, Claudine; Longden, Thomas; Stopher, Peter; Liu, Wen
      Published 2015-02-01
      The paper uses a unique multi-day multi-wave panel dataset of households and their travel to conduct new in-depth analysis on the influence of life change events and travel behaviour, specifically in relation to the travel ...
      Open Access
      Working Paper
    • Comparing GPS and prompted recall data records 

      Stopher, Peter; Prasad, Christine; Zhang, Jun
      Published 2010-12-01
      Global Position System (GPS) devices as a substitute for conventional travel diaries have been considered for some time but have only in the past year or so been seriously trialled as replacements. GPS devices cannot record ...
      Open Access
      Working Paper
    • Deducing mode and purpose from GPS data 

      Stopher, Peter; Clifford, Eoin; Zhang, Jun; FitzGerald, Camden
      Published 2008-04-01
      Over the past several years, there has been increasing interest in the use of Global Position System (GPS) devices as a means to measure people’s travel. These devices have been used quite widely to check the validity of ...
      Open Access
      Working Paper
    • Designing a Procedure to Undertake Long Term Evaluation of the Effects of TravelSmart Interventions 

      Stopher, Peter; Greaves, Stephen; Xu, Min; Lauer, Natalie
      Published 2005-06-01
      As part of the program of strategies to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases in Australia, the ACT, Queensland, South Australian, and Victorian governments have joined together to undertake a program of voluntary travel ...
      Open Access
      Working Paper
    • Determining trip information using GPS data 

      Clifford, Eoin; Zhang, Jun; Stopher, Peter
      Published 2009-01-01
      With the development of lightweight, high sensitivity Global Positioning System (GPS) devices, there has been increasing interest in their use as a means to measure people’s travel for travel surveys. Data-logging enables ...
      Open Access
      Working Paper
    • Dynamic Travel Demand for Emergency Evacuation: The Case of Bushfires 

      Stopher, Peter; Rose, John; Alsnih, Rahaf
      Published 2004-07-01
      There are two types of emergencies; those which can be anticipated and those that cannot. Among those that can be anticipated are such events as cyclones, floods, bush fires, and tsunamis. When such events are anticipated, ...
      Open Access
      Working Paper
    • Establishing and Using a Before and After Panel Survey: Case Study of New South Wales 

      Stopher, Peter; Swann, Natalie; Bertoia, Tony
      Published 2006-07-01
      This paper describes the use of a panel in a pilot TravelSmart project in New South Wales. The survey was conducted using two-day diaries, for which households were initially contacted and recruited by phone, and then sent ...
      Open Access
      Working Paper
    • Estimating Eligibility Rates: A Crucial Component of the Calculation for Response Rates 

      Alsnih, Rahaf; Stopher, Peter
      Published 2004-04-01
      Response rates are used by analysts to assess survey quality: higher response rates are usually desired to reduce the incidence of non-response bias. The response rate is simply defined as the ratio of the number of completed ...
      Open Access
      Working Paper
    • Evaluating and improving software for identifying trips, occupancy, mode and purpose from GPS traces. 

      Stopher, Peter; Zhang, Jun; Prasad, Christine
      Published 2013-11-01
      Over the past several years, the Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies at the University of Sydney has been developing software to process GPS traces and impute the trip ends, modes of travel, occupancy, and trip ...
      Open Access
      Working Paper
    • Evaluating Voluntary Travel Behaviour Interventions 

      Stopher, Peter; Alsnih, Rahaf; Bullock, Philip; Ampt, Liz
      Published 2004-07-01
      Considerable interest in the policy of voluntary travel behaviour change interventions, known as by the generic name of TravelSmart®, has emerged. Measuring its effectiveness and determining its cost-benefit ratios is a ...
      Open Access
      Working Paper
    • Evaluation of GPS device properties for a possible use in future household travel surveys 

      Stopher, Peter; Speisser, Nicolas
      Published 2011-04-01
      This paper describes a series of tests undertaken to determine the potential usefulness of a specific passive, portable GPS device for use in household travel surveys. The tests were undertaken to provide a more complete ...
      Open Access
      Working Paper
    • An evaluation of TravelSmart tools for travel behaviour change 

      Zhang, Yun; Stopher, Peter; Halling, Belinda
      Published 2010-10-01
      Between 2005 and 2006, a TravelSmart project was introduced in targeted suburbs within metropolitan Adelaide, South Australia. A component of the project was to provide participants with tools to assist them to change their ...
      Open Access
      Working Paper
    • Exploring the Use of Passive GPS Devices to Measure Travel 

      Stopher, Peter; Bullock, Philip; Horst, Frederic
      Published 2002-01-01
      Global Positioning System devices are emerging as a potential means to collect improved data on the spatial aspects of personal travel. In many applications, the GPS device is coupled with a Personal Data Assistant of some ...
      Open Access
      Working Paper
    • GPS Measurement of Travel Times, Driving Cycles, and Congestion 

      Bullock, Philip; Stopher, Peter; Pointer, Graham; Jiang, Qingjian
      Published 2003-03-01
      In the past few years, various types of GPS devices have been developed for use in connection with travel surveys of various types. This paper describes an application in Sydney, Australia, in which GPS devices were used ...
      Open Access
      Working Paper
    • GPS Surveys and the Internet 

      Stopher, Peter; Collins, Andrew; Bullock, Philip
      Published 2004-07-01
      ITS has been pioneering the use of GPS to provide more accurate data on where and when people travel, their routes, travel distance, and travel time. GPS provides no information on the number of people travelling together, ...
      Open Access
      Working Paper