• The challenge of obtaining ground truth for GPS processing 

      Stopher, Peter; Shen, Li; Liu, Wen; Ahmed, Asif
      Published 2015-03-01
      The increasing use of GPS as a substitute or complement to conventional travel surveys has brought with it an increasing need for a reliable source of ground truth, i.e., information on the actual travel in which each ...
      Open Access
      Working Paper
    • Comparing two processing routines for GPS traces: Lessons learnt 

      Stopher, Peter R.; Greaves, Stephen P.; Shen, Li
      Published 2013-09-01
      This paper describes what may be one of the first side-by-side tests of two alternative software products for processing GPS traces into trips, and discusses some lessons learnt from the comparisons. For GPS to be useful ...
      Open Access
      Working Paper
    • Innovative Procedures for Travel Data Collection and Processing 

      Shen, Li
      Published 2014-12-18
      Global Positioning System (GPS) or Smartphone technology has been increasingly used in travel data collection. Although GPS devices can directly record spatial and temporal information, trip ends, travel modes and trip ...
      Open Access