• Impact of network assortativity on epidemic and vaccination behaviour 

      Chang, Sheryl L.; Piraveenan, Mahendra; Prokopenko, Mikhail
      Published 2020
      The resurgence of measles is largely attributed to the decline in vaccine adoption and the increase in mobility. Although the vaccine for measles is readily available and highly successful, its current adoption is not ...
    • Optimal governance and implementation of vaccination programmes to contain the COVID-19 pandemic. 

      Piraveenan, Mahendra; Sawleshwarkar, Shailendra; Walsh, Michael; Zablotska, Iryna; Bhattacharyya, Samit; Farooqui, Habib Hassan; Bhatnagar, Tarun; Karan, Anup; Murhekar, Manoj; Zodpey, Sanjay; Rao, K S Mallikarjuna; Pattison, Philippa; Zomaya, Albert; Perc, Matjaz
      Published 2021
      Since the recent introduction of several viable vaccines for SARS-CoV-2, vaccination uptake has become the key factor that will determine our success in containing the COVID-19 pandemic. We argue that game theory and social ...
    • Topology of International Supply Chain Networks: A Case Study Using Factset Revere Datasets 

      Piraveenan, Mahendra; Jing, Hongze; Matous, Petr; Todo, Yasuyuki
      Published 2020
      International supply chain networks play a prominent role in shaping the economic outlook of the world. It has been a recent trend to analyse the topology of supply chain networks in order to gain a wholistic understanding ...