• Experiencing the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic Whilst Living With Cancer 

      Page, Alexander; Broom, Alex; Kenny, Katherine; Lwin, Zarnie; Wakefield, Claire E; Itchins, Malinda; Khasraw, Mustafa
      Published 2022
      The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has resulted in considerable consequences for many cancer patients, exacerbating pre-existing systemic health system limitations as well as creating new challenges. From socially distanced clinics ...
    • Living (well) with cancer in the precision era 

      Broom, Alex; Kenny, Katherine; Williams Veazey, Leah; Page, Alexander; Prainsack, Barbara; Wakefield, Claire; Khasraw, Mustafa; Itchins, Malinda; Lwin, Zarnie
      Published 2022
      Surviving cancer in the precision era of targeted drugs and immunotherapies increasingly involves surviving-with malignancy. Against this backdrop of precision, innovation and chronicity, this paper offers a person-centred ...
      Open Access
    • Personhood, belonging, affect and affliction 

      Broom, Alex; Lewis, Sophie; Parker, Rhiannon; Williams Veazey, Leah; Kenny, Katherine; Kirby, Emma; Kokanović, Renata; Lwin, Zarnie; Koh, Eng-Siew
      Published 2021
      What does migrancy mean for personhood, and how does this flow through caring relations? Drawing on life history interviews and photo elicitation with 43 people who identify as migrants and live with cancer, here we argue ...
      Open Access
    • Terminal Anticipation: entanglements of affect and temporality in living with advanced cancer 

      Kenny, Katherine; Broom, Alex; Kirby, Emma; Wyld, David; Lwin, Zarnie
      Published 2017
      Narrative approaches within the social sciences have tended to privilege narrative coherence, with the thematic and sequential progression of one’s story from beginning through middle to end often seen as a virtue and as ...
      Open Access
    • Why is optimisation of antimicrobial use difficult at the end of life? 

      Broom, Jennifer; Broom, Alex; Good, Phillip; Lwin, Zarnie
      Published 2019
      The antibiotic optimisation imperative is now ubiquitous, with national policy frameworks in Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries incorporating the requirement for antimicrobial stewardship ...
      Open Access