• Human Promoter Recognition Based on Principal Component Analysis 

      Li, Xiaomeng
      Published 2008-01-01
      This thesis presents an innovative human promoter recognition model HPR-PCA. Principal component analysis (PCA) is applied on context feature selection DNA sequences and the prediction network is built with the artificial ...
      Open Access
    • Phenonizer: A Fine-Grained Phenotypic Named Entity Recognizer for Chinese Clinical Texts 

      Zou, Qunsheng; Yang, Kuo; Shu, Zixin; Chang, Kai; Zheng, Qiguang; Zheng, Yi; Lu, Kezhi; Xu, Ning; Tian, Haoyu; Li, Xiaomeng; Yang, Yuxia; Zhou, Yana; Yu, Haibin; Zhang, Xiaoping; Xia, Jianan; Zhu, Qiang; Poon, Josiah; Poon, Simon; Zhang, Runshun; Li, Xiaodong; Zhou, Xuezhong
      Published 2022
      Biomedical named entity recognition (BioNER) from clinical texts is a fundamental task for clinical data analysis due to the availability of large volume of electronic medical record data, which are mostly in free text ...