• The administration of harm: From unintended consequences to harm by design 

      Broom, Alex; Peterie, Michelle; Kenny, Katherine; Ramia, Gaby; Ehlers, Nadine
      Published 2022
      Harm is a recurring theme in the social sciences. Scholars in a range of empirical areas have documented the deleterious outcomes that at times emerge from social structures, institutions and systems of governance. Yet ...
      Open Access
    • Antimicrobial resistance as a problem of values? Views from three continents 

      Broom, Alex; Kenny, Katherine; Prainsack, Barbara; Broom, Jennifer
      Published 2020
      Much has been written about the problem of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and the action required to rein in this emerging global health threat. Addressing AMR is often operationalised as requiring ‘behavior change’ of ...
      Open Access
    • Authenticity, ambivalence and recognition in caring at the end of life and beyond 

      Broom, Alex; Parker, Rhiannon; Kenny, Katherine
      Published 2019
      Informal caring at the end of life is often a fraught experience that extends well beyond the death of the person receiving care. However, analyses of informal carers' experiences are frequently demarcated relative to ...
    • Cancer caregivers’ experiences of prognosis in Australia: a qualitative interview study. 

      Lewis, Sophie; Broom, Alex; Kenny, Katherine; Kirby, Emma
      Published 2020
      Objectives: Forecasting survival in cancer is a particularly challenging facet of oncological work and can involve complex interactions with patients and their families. While there is considerable research on patient ...
      Open Access
    • Entanglements of affect, space, and evidence in pandemic healthcare: An analysis of Australian healthcare workers’ experiences of COVID-19 

      Williams Veazey, Leah; Broom, Alex; Kenny, Katherine; Degeling, Chris; Hor, Suyin; Broom, Jennifer; Wyer, Mary; Burns, Penelope; Gilbert, Gwendolyn L
      Published 2021
      The COVID-19 pandemic continues to highlight both global interconnectedness and schisms across place, context and peoples. While countries such as Australia have securitised their borders in response to the global spread ...
    • Experiencing the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic Whilst Living With Cancer 

      Page, Alexander; Broom, Alex; Kenny, Katherine; Lwin, Zarnie; Wakefield, Claire E; Itchins, Malinda; Khasraw, Mustafa
      Published 2022
      The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has resulted in considerable consequences for many cancer patients, exacerbating pre-existing systemic health system limitations as well as creating new challenges. From socially distanced clinics ...
    • The incurable self: Negotiating social bonds and dis/connection with metastatic breast cancer 

      Lewis, Sophie; Newtown, Giselle; Kenny, Katherine; Boyle, Frances
      Published 2023
      As the culture of silence that once surrounded cancer has gradually given way to greater public awareness, normative visions of what cancer survivorship should entail have proliferated. These visions emphasise positivity ...
      Open Access
    • Interrogating the World Bank's role in global health knowledge production, governance, and finance 

      Tichenor, Marlee; Winters, Janelle; Storeng, Katerini T.; Bump, Jesse; Gaudillière, Jean-Paul; Gorsky, Martin; Hellowell, Mark; Kadama, Patrick; Kenny, Katherine; Shawar, Yusra Ribhi; Songane, Francisco; Walker, Alexis; Whitacre, Ryan; Asthana, Sumegha; Fernandes, Genevie; Stein, Felix; Sridhar, Devi
      Published 2021
      BACKGROUND: In the nearly half century since it began lending for population projects, the World Bank has become one of the largest financiers of global health projects and programs, a powerful voice in shaping health ...
    • Living (well) with cancer in the precision era 

      Broom, Alex; Kenny, Katherine; Williams Veazey, Leah; Page, Alexander; Prainsack, Barbara; Wakefield, Claire; Khasraw, Mustafa; Itchins, Malinda; Lwin, Zarnie
      Published 2022
      Surviving cancer in the precision era of targeted drugs and immunotherapies increasingly involves surviving-with malignancy. Against this backdrop of precision, innovation and chronicity, this paper offers a person-centred ...
      Open Access
    • The modern hospital executive, micro improvements, and the rise of antimicrobial resistance 

      Broom, Alex; Kenny, Katherine; Kirby, Emma; Davis, Mark; Dodds, Susan; Post, Jeffrey; Broom, Jennifer
      Published 2021
      Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is now recognised as a social, cultural, economic and political phenomenon, positioning the social sciences as central in responding to this global health threat. Yet efforts to address ...
    • Multidisciplinary team meetings in prosthetic joint infection management: A qualitative study 

      Broom, Jennifer; Broom, Alex; Kenny, Katherine; Konecny, Pamela; Post, Jeffrey J.
      Published 2023
      Prosthetic joint infections (PJIs) cause substantial morbidity to patients and are extremely challenging for clinicians. Their management can include multiple operations, antibiotics, and prolonged hospital admissions. ...
      Open Access
    • Paradoxes of pandemic infection control: Proximity, pace and care within and beyond SARS-CoV-2 

      Williams Veazey, Leah; Broom, Alex; Kenny, Katherine; Degeling, Chris; Wyer, Mary; Hor, Suyin; Broom, Jennifer; Burns, Penny; Gilbert, Gwendolyn L.
      Published 2022
      From the adoption of mask-wearing in public settings to the omnipresence of hand-sanitising, the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has brought unprecedented cultural attention to infection prevention and control (IPC) in everyday life. ...
    • The Paradoxical Effects of COVID-19 on Cancer Care: Current Context and Potential Lasting Impacts 

      Broom, Alex; Kenny, Katherine; Page, Alexander; Cort, Nicole; Lipp, Eric; Tan, Aaron C; Ashley, David M; Walsh, Kyle M; Khasraw, Mustafa
      Published 2020
      COVID-19 has fundamentally disrupted the practice of oncology, shifting care onto virtual platforms, rearranging the logistics and economics of running a successful clinical practice and research, and in some contexts, ...
    • Personhood, belonging, affect and affliction 

      Broom, Alex; Lewis, Sophie; Parker, Rhiannon; Williams Veazey, Leah; Kenny, Katherine; Kirby, Emma; Kokanović, Renata; Lwin, Zarnie; Koh, Eng-Siew
      Published 2021
      What does migrancy mean for personhood, and how does this flow through caring relations? Drawing on life history interviews and photo elicitation with 43 people who identify as migrants and live with cancer, here we argue ...
      Open Access
    • The social meanings of choice in living-with advanced breast cancer 

      Lewis, Sophie; Kenny, Katherine; Broom, Alex; Kirby, Emma; Boyle, Frances
      Published 2021
      Individual choice is valorised as a core social value; yet the necessity and desirability of making choices takes on new significance for people living with incurable cancer who are required to make often difficult ...
      Open Access
    • Terminal Anticipation: entanglements of affect and temporality in living with advanced cancer 

      Kenny, Katherine; Broom, Alex; Kirby, Emma; Wyld, David; Lwin, Zarnie
      Published 2017
      Narrative approaches within the social sciences have tended to privilege narrative coherence, with the thematic and sequential progression of one’s story from beginning through middle to end often seen as a virtue and as ...
      Open Access
    • Vulnerability and antimicrobial resistance 

      Broom, Alex; Peterie, Michelle; Kenny, Katherine; Broom, Jennifer; Kelly-Hanku, Angela; Lafferty, Lise; Treloar, Carla; Applegate, Tanya
      Published 2023
      It is now well-recognised that antimicrobial resistance (AMR), or the ability of organisms to resist currently available antibiotics and other antimicrobial drugs, represents one of the greatest dangers to human health in ...
      Open Access