• Assignment 1 Initial Review Delays 

      Johnson, Samuel
      Published 2012-05-08
      In many physical acoustic spaces, sound waves will often reflect off surfaces causing a perceived delay to the human ear. These delays have various effects in the physical domain, but are sometimes desired in the digital ...
      Open Access

      Johnson, Samuel
      Published 2012-06-26
      The use of delay as an audio and musical effect that has been used since the coming of tape recordings. It involves the signal being taken and “stored” then played back at a later time, either once or multiple times. In ...
      Open Access
    • Lab Report 1 DESC 9115 

      Johnson, Samuel
      Published 2012-05-08
      When a sound wave travels from the source it will disperse in different directions. The sound waves will continue until it is either out of energy or it hits a surface and reflects a different direction. When the receiver ...
      Open Access
    • Lab Report 1 DESC 9115 

      Johnson, Samuel
      Published 2012-06-25
      Open Access
    • Lab Report 2 DESC 9115 

      Johnson, Samuel
      Published 2012-05-08
      In my last lab report I discussed the importance of the basic digital delay, how it was created and how it is used in music, film, and even in scientific experiments. I explained the use of FIR and IIR comb filters to ...
      Open Access