• The 2021 report of the MJA–Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: Australia increasingly out on a limb 

      Beggs, Paul J; Zhang, Ying; McGushin, Alice; Trueck, Stefan; Linnenluecke, Martina K; Bambrick, Hilary; Berry, Helen L; Jay, Ollie; Rychetnik, Lucie; Hanigan, Ivan C; Morgan, Geoffrey G; Guo, Yuming; Malik, Arunima; Stevenson, Mark; Green, Donna; Johnston, Fay H; McMichael, Celia; Hamilton, Ian; Capon, Anthony G
      Published 2021
      The MJA-Lancet Countdown on health and climate change in Australia was established in 2017, and produced its first national assessment in 2018, its first annual update in 2019, and its second annual update in 2020. It ...