• Complex 5d magnetism in a novel S = ½ trimer system, the 12L hexagonal perovskite Ba4BiIr3O12 

      Miiller, Wojciech; Dunstan, Matthew T; Huang, Zixin; Mohamed, Zakiah; Kennedy, Brendan J; Avdeev, Maxim; Ling, Chris D
      Published 2013
      The 12L hexagonal perovskite Ba4BiIr3O12 has been synthesized for the first time and characterized using high-resolution neutron and synchrotron x-ray diffraction as well as physical properties measurements. The structure ...
      Open Access
    • Phase Behaviour and Mixed Ionic-Electronic Conductivity of Ba4Sb2O9 

      Dunstan, Matthew T; Pavan, Adriano; Kharton, V V; Avdeev, Maxim; Kimpton, Justin A; Kolotygin, V A; Tsipis, E V; Ling, Chris D
      Published 2013
      The 6H-type perovskite phase Ba4Sb2O9, which decomposes in air below 600 K, is found to survive to room temperature in a CO2-free atmosphere. It shows substantial mixed protonic, oxide ionic and electronic conductivity. ...
      Open Access