• Crystal structures and electronic properties in 3d transition metal doped SrRuO3 

      Ilyas, Qasim; Peter, Blanchard; Kevin, S Knight; Jimmy, Ting; Brendan, Kennedy
      Published 2019
      The synthesis of polycrystalline samples of B-site doped SrRu1−xMxO3 with x ≤ 0.2 by solid state methods is described for a number of dopants (M = Mg, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, or Zn) and the structures of these established using ...
    • Impact of Cu Doping on the Structure and Electronic Properties of LaCr1–yCuyO3 

      Ilyas, Qasim; Peter, ER Blanchard; Samuel, Liu; Brendan, Kennedy; Avdeev, Maxim
      Published 2014
      Oxides of the type LaCr1-yCuyO3 have been prepared using solid-state methods and their crystal structures refined using synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction. The solubility limit of Cu was found to be around y = 0.2, and ...
    • Structural and electronic properties of Sr1-xCaxTi0.5Mn0.5 O3 

      Ilyas, Qasim; Peter, Blanchard; Brendan, Kennedy; Takashi, Kamiyama; Ping, Miao; Shuki, Tori
      Published 2014
      The series of Sr 1− x Ca x Ti 1/2 Mn 1/2 O 3 perovskites has been prepared using solid state methods and their structures determined using combination of synchrotron X-ray and powder neutron diffraction. At room temperature ...