Browsing Research Publications and Outputs by title
A Victor's History: A Comparative Analysis of the Labour Historiography of Indonesia's New Order
Published 2010-01-01Some observers have identified a common pattern in developing countries whereby unions are transformed from a political force valued for their contribution to the struggle for independence to a state-sponsored ‘tool of ...Article -
Violent Industrial Protest in Indonesia: Cultural Phenomenon or Legacy of an Authoritarian Past?
Published 2013-01-01Indonesia has a long history of violent industrial conflict involving rioting and wide-scale destruction of property, in addition – and sometimes as an alternative – to more orthodox strike actions. Violent actions taken ...Book chapter -
When news becomes entertainment: Representations of corruption in Indonesia’s media and the implication of scandal
Published 2013-01-01In the current political climate, the Indonesian media is able to report openly on a range of previously taboo political issues (Sen & Hill, 2000; Kakiailatu, 2007; Tapsell, 2010). One issue that garners substantial attention ...Article -
‘Where Are Your Victims?’
Published 2010-01-01The United States has played a key role in international efforts to address trafficking in Indonesia, as elsewhere. In October 2001, the US State Department established an Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons, ...Article -
Where Internal and International Migration Intersect: Mobility and the Formation of Multi-Ethnic Communities in the Riau Islands Transit Zone
Published 2007-01-01While migration studies scholars have paid considerable attention to internal migration within Indonesia, as well as to international labour migration flows from Indonesia, they have rarely considered the intersections ...Article -
Who are the Orang Riau? Negotiating Identity across Geographic and Ethnic Divides
Published 2003-01-01Debates about identity have multiplied across Indonesia in the wake of the implementation of regional autonomy. In the ethnically heterogeneous province of Riau, identity is prominent in the public debate and pivotal to ...Book chapter -
Women and labour organizing in Asia: diversity, autonomy and activism
Published 2008-01-01Women have become the new face of industrial labour – and of labour activism – not only in Korea, in all but the most and least developed countries of Asia. Export-oriented industrialization strategies favoured throughout ...Book chapter -
Women's Labor Activism in Indonesia
Published 2008-01-01In her discussion of working‐class women’s labor activism in Thailand, Mary Beth Mills argues that an understanding of the “diverse ideological effects, structural constraints, and contested identities within women’s labor ...Article