Browsing Research Publications and Outputs by title
Hercule : Mythe et Héritage
Published 2023Hercule : Mythe et Héritage est une exposition interdisciplinaire qui utilise deux arcs narratifs simultanément pour raconter de nouveau la saga de mythologie antique des douze travaux d’Hercule et pour aborder sa réception ...Other -
Hercules: Myth and Legacy
Published 2023-02-01Hercules: Myth and Legacy is an interdisciplinary exhibition that uses two narrative arcs simultaneously to retell the ancient mythological saga of Hercules’ twelve labours and to discuss the reception of Hercules in the ...Other -
Instrumental: Collections from Science. Calculating and Computing
Published 2021Instrumental: Collections from Science is a changing display of scientific instruments and apparatus drawn from the Macleay Collections of the Chau Chak Wing Museum. Each iteration focuses on a theme exploring the range ...Other -
Instrumental: Surveying Instruments.
Published 2024-10-21"Instrumental: Surveying Instruments" explores a range of specialised tools used for surveying between the early 19th and late 20th centuries. Visitors are introduced to the functions and applications of these varied ...Other -
Instrumental: Using and Analysing Light
Published 2024-10-21Instrumental: Using and Analysing Light explores a broad range of technologies that use and analyse light. Visitors are introduced to the various functions and widespread applications of these optical instruments. Familiar ...Other -
Mediterranean Identities: Across the wine-dark sea
Published 2023-02-21Mediterranean Identities: Across the Wine-Dark Sea thematically explores the material culture of the Mediterranean basin of the first millennium BC. The themes were chosen to highlight the regional variations between ...Other -
Memento: Remembering Roman Lives
Published 2015The intention of the exhibition Memento: Remembering Roman Lives is exactly that—to remember the people named on these funeral inscriptions. The memorials name sailors from Egypt, Dalmatia and Thrace serving in the ...Other -
Pacific Views
Published 2023-12-07The Pacific Views exhibition was open to the public from August 2021 to July 2022 in the Museum’s historic photography gallery. We drew upon eco-poetics to reflect the ways that peoples across the Pacific talk about their ...Other -
Pharaonic Obsessions: Ancient Egypt, an Australian Story
Published 2021Pharaonic Obsessions: Ancient Egypt, an Australian Story explores the modern history of Egyptology through the lens of Australian collecting practices, showcasing the University of Sydney’s significant holdings of ancient ...Other -
Rational Order. Carl von Linné (1707-1778)
Published 2008In 2007 the Macleay Museum celebrated Linnaeus’s 300th year with the exhibition "Rational Order". The exhibition included over five hundred animals from the Macleay collections. We only selected animals that had been ...Other -
Roman Spectres
Published 2022Roman Spectres explores ancient Roman identity and how contemporary societies have conceptualised the ancient Roman world. The exhibition brings together significant Roman portraiture of the Nicholson Collection with large ...Other -
Shattered Glass: Illuminating the Past
Published 2015Glass is a paradoxical material. It has enough strength to span the 10 metre wide very large telescopes and yet, as we all know, when dropped on a hard surface can shatter into hundreds of fragments. This exhibition sets ...Other -
The Sky’s the Limit: Astronomy in Antiquity
Published 2015Ancient people looked to the skies to make sense of the world. Following the stars allowed people to predict the change of seasons, track time and create calendars. Sailors, as they struck out across the seas, used the ...Other -
The Staged Photograph
Published 2024-10-22Posed portraits and scenes have been part of photographic practice since the beginnings of photography. The 19th century experience of visiting a professional photographer in their studio was a theatrical experience, ...Other -
Stuffed, Stitched and Studied: Taxidermy in the 19th century
Published 2015Taxidermy is the process of making a life-like sculpture of an animal from its own skin. To make an elephant one needs a wooden frame, a fish needs gentle stuffing, a kangaroo needs stuffing and wire too; for a caterpillar ...Other -
Tidal Kin: Stories from the Pacific
Published 2024-10-21The histories of Pacific Islander travellers in the city of Sydney are poorly recorded or even remembered today. This exhibition is a response to the lack of recognition and resources for the over 90,000 New South Wales ...Other -
Tombs, Tells and Temples: Excavating the Near East
Published 2015The development of a new permanent exhibition on the Near East presented an exciting opportunity to investigate the holdings from this region in the Nicholson Museum collection. Initial investigation revealed held material ...Other -
True to form: models made for science
Published 2022-10-25This exhibition grew out of an investigation into a series of scientific models held by the Macleay Museum. The models had lost any connection to their original purpose, and in many cases, their identification. With the ...Other -
헤라클레스: 신화와 유산
Published 2023<헤라클레스: 신화와 유산>은 두 개의 줄거리를 동시에 사용하여 헤라클레스의 12과업에 대한 고대 신화 이야기를 다시 하고 르네상스 이후부터 현대까지의 과학, 기술, 그리고 예술의 역사에서 헤라클레스의 수용에 대해 논의하는 학제간 전시회입니다. 이 전시회는 차우 착 윙 박물관에서 수용학에 관한 시리즈의 두 번째 전시회입니다. 첫 번째 전시회인 <동물 신들: 고전과 분류(Animal Gods: ...Other -
Published 2024-03-06《赫拉克勒斯:神话与传承》是一场跨学科的展览,其同时采用两条叙事线索来重述古代神话赫拉克勒斯的十二试炼,并探讨了自后文艺复兴时期至今赫拉克勒斯在科学、技术和艺术领域的影响与应用。 此次展览是周泽荣博物馆致力于“接受研究”系列展览中的第二场展览。第一场展览《动物之神:古典与分类》是关于荷马史诗《特洛伊战》和《奥德赛》。展览中介绍了林奈的生物分类和命名系统,突出了拉丁神话学家文本在名称应用中的作用,其往往没有考虑到被命名动物的物理属性。然 ...Other