Browsing by author "Rowley, Jennifer"
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The e-portfolio continuum: Discovering variables for e-portfolio adoption within music education
Taylor, John; Dunbar-Hall, Peter; Rowley, JenniferPublished 2012-01-01This article presents the results of audit data compiled from a case study introducing e-portfolios into a Music Education degree program, and highlights the key challenges faced from the initial stages of student ...Open AccessArticle -
Electronic portfolios and learner identity: an ePortfolio case study in music and writing
Bennett, Dawn; Rowley, Jennifer; Dunbar-Hall, Peter; Hitchcock, Matthew; Blom, DianaPublished 2014-06-01Although the employability of graduates is of concern across further and higher education it is particularly problematic in the arts disciplines, from which few students transition to a traditional, full-time position. ...Open AccessArticle -
Enjoyment of eLearning Among Teacher Education Students in Australia
Rowley, Jennifer; O'Dea, JenniferPublished 2014-01-01The major research question for this study was –“How do students perceive the enhancement of their own learning through use of eLearning?” The study investigated student teacher’s enjoyment and perceptions of eLearning and ...Open AccessArticle -
Exploring the Pedagogy and Impact of Technology on ePortfolio Creation for Arts Students in Australian Tertiary Study
Rowley, Jennifer; Bennett, Dawn; Blom, Diana; Dunbar-Hall, PeterPublished 2014-01-01The creative application and development of an ePortfolio as a pedagogic innovation in learning and teaching in higher education lies in strategies acquired by students to select authentic evidence to document achievements ...Open AccessArticle -
Improving professional learning and teaching through the development of a quality process
Rowley, Jennifer; Scanlon, Lesley; Laing, Lesley; Smith, Lorraine; Treleaven, LesleyPublished 2014-01-01Investigation of graduate attributes (GAs) and professional standards (PSs) within faculty curriculum development are rare, despite university importance. Examining learning objectives and assessment with PSs and accreditation, ...Open AccessArticle -
Music and visual arts service learning in Sydney schools: school and university partnerships to widen participation in higher education
Rowley, JenniferPublished 2014-01-01This paper presents findings on university students’ perceptions of an undergraduate service learning unit of study designed to engage university and school students in collaborative music and drawing workshops in six ...Open AccessArticle
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