• An analysis of the community treatment order system in New South Wales 

      Light, E
      Published 2015-04-13
      Aims: The use of CTOs in the management of people living with severe and enduring mental illness is both controversial and poorly understood. The study aimed to determine the factors that shape the operation of the CTO ...
      USyd Access
    • Biobank networking and globalisation: perspectives and practices of Australian biobanks 

      Light, E; Wiersma, M; Dive, Lisa; Kerridge, I; Lipworth, W; Stewart, Cameron; Kowal, Emma; Marlton, Paula; Critchley, Christine
      Published 2020
      Objective This study examined the practices and attitudes of Australian biobanks regarding access to samples and data, as well as local and global networking with other biobanks. Methods This was a mixed-methods study, ...
      Open Access
    • Community treatment orders in Australia: rates and patterns of use. 

      Light, E; Kerridge, I; Ryan, C; Robertson, M
      Published 2012-01-01
      Objectives: Community treatment orders (CTOs) allow clinicians to provide unconsented outpatient treatment to people living with mental illness. Though controversial and of uncertain efficacy, CTOs are used throughout ...
      Open Access
    • Community treatment orders: the lived experience of consumers and carers in NSW 

      Robertson, M; Light, E; Boyce, P; Carney, T; Rosen, A; Cleary, M; Hunt, G; O'Connor, N; Ryan, C
      Published 2013-01-01
      There is limited research examining the lived experiences of consumers and carers subject to community treatment orders (CTOs). Between 2009 and 2012, the Centre for Values Ethics and the Law in Medicine (VELiM) at the ...
      Open Access
      Report, Technical
    • The Contemporary Significance of the Holocaust for Australian Psychiatry. 

      Robertson, M; Light, E; Lipworth, W; Walter, G
      Published 2016-01-01
      In this paper we survey briefly the components of the Holocaust directly relevant to the psychiatric profession and identify the main themes of relevance to contemporary psychiatry. The euthanasia program, the persecution ...
      Open Access
    • Disruption, Diversity, and Global Biobanking 

      Light, E; Wiersma, M; Dive, Lisa; Kerridge, I; Critchley, C; Lipworth, W
      Published 2019-05-08
      Beskow and Weinfurt’s analysis of biobank consent comprehension draws attention to important epistemic and axiological questions, not the least of which concern how we can know what are the right or wrong ways to conduct ...
      Open Access
    • The epistemic challenges of CTOs 

      Light, E
      Published 2014-01-01
      Controversy around the use of community treatment orders (CTOs) arises in part from their ambiguous evidence base. Recent research has provided valuable new insights into the effects of CTOs, while also highlighting the ...
      Open Access
    • Examining diversity in public willingness to participate in offshore human biobanking: an Australian mixed methods study 

      Critchley, C; Wiersma, M; Lipworth, W; Light, E; Dive, L; Kerridge, I
      Published 2020-01-01
      To ensure their sustainability and scientific utility, human biobanks are networking internationally. Sharing biospecimens and associated data across jurisdictions raise a number of practical, ethical, legal and social ...
      Open Access
    • Globalisation and the ethics of transnational biobank networks 

      Dive, Lisa Lehrer; Mason, P; Light, E; Kerridge, I; Lipworth, W
      Published 2017-12-01
      Biobanks are increasingly being linked together into global networks in order to maximise their capacity to identify causes of and treatments for disease. While there is great optimism about the potential of these biobank ...
      Open Access
    • How shortcomings in the mental health system affect the use of involuntary community treatment orders 

      Light, E; Robertson, M; Kerridge, I; Boyce, P; Rosen, A; Carney, T; Hunt, G; Cleary, M; O'Connor, N; Ryan, C
      Published 2016-07-15
      Objective: To examine stakeholder perspectives on how the operation of the mental health system affects the use of involuntary community treatment orders (CTOs). Methods: A qualitative study consisting of semi-structured ...
      Open Access
    • The lived experience of involuntary community treatment: a qualitative study of mental health consumers and carers 

      Light, E; Robertson, M; Boyce, P; Carney, T; Rosen, A; Cleary, M; Hunt, GE; O'Connor, N; Ryan, C; Kerridge, I
      Published 2014-01-01
      Objective: To describe the lived experiences of people subject to community treatment orders (CTOs) and their carers. Method: We recruited 11 participants (five mental health consumers and six carers) through consumer and ...
      Open Access
    • The Many Faces of Risk: A Qualitative Study of Risk in Outpatient Involuntary Treatment. 

      Light, E; Robertson, M; Boyce, P; Carney, T; Rosen, A; Cleary, M; Hunt, G; O'Connor, N; Ryan, C; Kerridge, I
      Published 2015-01-01
      Objective: This study aimed to derive a conceptualisation of risk in outpatient involuntary psychiatric treatment that has utility and meaning for stakeholders. Methods: Thirty-eight participants –patients, caregivers, ...
      Open Access
    • Psychiatry and the ‘Gay Holocaust’ – the lessons of Jill Soloway’s ‘Transparent’ 

      Robertson, M; Light, E; Lipworth, W; Walter, G
      Published 2016-04-07
      Aims: To consider issues relevant to psychiatry raised by the television series, ‘Transparent’. Conclusions: Psychiatry’s disturbing history regarding the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) community ...
      Open Access
    • Psychiatry, genocide and the National Socialist State: lessons learnt, ignored and forgotten. 

      Robertson, M; Light, E; Lipworth, W; Walter, G
      Published 2017-01-01
      The genocide of European Jews perpetrated by the National Socialist (Nazi) regime in Germany and its satellites was a distinctly modern event. The bureaucratised and industrialised nature of the Nazi plan (the Endlösung ...
      Open Access
      Book chapter
    • Reconceptualizing involuntary outpatient psychiatric treatment: From "Capacity" to "Capability" 

      Light, E; Robertson, M; Kerridge, I; Boyce, P; Carney, T; Rosen, A; Cleary, M; Hunt, G; O'Connor, N
      Published 2016-01-01
      Justifying involuntary psychiatric treatment on the basis of a judgment that a person lacks capacity is controversial because there are questions about the meaning and utility of the concept in this context. There are ...
      Open Access
    • Risk, capacity and making decisions about CTOs 

      Robertson, M; Light, E; Boyce, P; Carney, T; Rosen, A; Cleary, M; Hunt, G; O'Connor, N; Ryan, C
      Published 2013-01-01
      1. The two customary justifications for 'involuntary' or 'coercive' treatment of mental illness are either: that without treatment the mentally ill person might be likely to seriously harm themselves or others; or, that ...
      Open Access
      Report, Technical