• Drugs as technologies of the self: Enhancement and transformation in LGBTQ cultures 

      Pienaar, Kiran; Race, Kane; Murphy, Dean; Lea, Toby
      Published 2020
      The consumption of drugs has long been a mainstay of urban queer cultures and it is well-recognised that complex connections exist between sexual minoritisation and desires to chemically alter bodily experience. Yet despite ...
      Open Access
    • Injecting as a sexual practice: Cultural formations of ‘slamsex’. 

      Race, Kane; Murphy, Dean; Pienaar, Kiran; Lea, Toby
      Published 2021
      ‘Slamsex’ has emerged in gay vernacular in recent years to denote a particular way of taking drugs and a particular kind of sex. Slamming refers in this context to the practice of injecting drugs – typically crystal ...
      Open Access
    • New Australian guidelines for the treatment of alcohol problems: an overview of recommendations 

      Haber, Paul S; Riordan, Benjamin C; Winter, Daniel T; Barrett, Liz; Saunders, John; Hides, Leanne; Gullo, Matthew; Manning, Victoria; Day, Carolyn A; Bonomo, Yvonne; Burns, Lucinda; Assan, Robert; Curry, Ken; Mooney-Somers, Julie; Demirkol, Apo; Monds, Lauren; McDonough, Mike; Baillie, Andrew J; Ritter, Alison; Quinn, Catherine; Cunningham, John; Lintzeris, Nicholas; Rombouts, Susan; Savic, Michael; Norman, Amanda; Reid, Sharon; Hutchinson, Delyse; Zheng, Catherine; Iese, Yasmine; Black, Nicola; Draper, Brian; Ridley, Nicole; Gowing, Linda; Stapinski, Lexine; Taye, Belaynew; Lancaster, Kari; Stjepanovic, Daniel; Kay-Lambkin, Frances; Jamshidi, Nazila; Lubman, Dan; Pastor, Adam; White, Natalie; Wilson, Scott; Jaworski, Alison L; Memedovic, Sonja; Logge, Warren; Mills, Katherine; Seear, Kate; Freeburn, Bradley; Lea, Toby; Withall, Adrienne; Marel, Christina; Boffa, John; Roxburgh, Amanda; Purcell-Khodr, Gemma; Doyle, Michael; Conigrave, Kate; Teeson, Maree; Butler, Kerryn; Connor, Jason; Morley, Kirsten C
      Published 2021
      Summary of recommendations and levels of evidence Chapter 2: Screening and assessment for unhealthy alcohol use Screening Screening for unhealthy alcohol use and appropriate interventions should be implemented in ...
      Open Access
    • Problematising LGBTIQ drug use, governing sexuality and gender: A critical analysis of LGBTIQ health policy in Australia 

      Pienaar, Kiran; Murphy, Dean; Race, Kane; Lea, Toby
      Published 2018
      It is well-established that a high prevalence of substance use is found in lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ) populations; a finding that researchers attribute to the stigmatised status of ...
      Open Access
    • Sexualities and Intoxication: “To Be Intoxicated Is to Still Be Me, Just a Little Blurry”—Drugs, Enhancement and Transformation in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Cultures 

      Pienaar, Kiran; Murphy, Dean; Race, Kane; Lea, Toby
      Published 2020
      Despite evidence that drug use is higher among lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) populations, research that explores the gendered and sexual dynamics of LGBTQ substance use is limited. Responding to ...
      Open Access
      Book chapter
    • Sexuality and Gender Diverse Populations 

      Mooney-Somers, Julie; Black, Nicola; Memedovic, Sonja; Lea, Toby; Roxburgh, Amanda
      Published 2021
      This chapter reviews the risk factors and treatment options for sexuality and gender diverse populations. Sexuality is a person’s sense of themselves as a sexual person and usually reflects their sexual attraction and ...
      Open Access
      Book chapter