Browsing by author "Hor, S.-Y."
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Beyond hand hygiene: a qualitative study of the everyday work of preventing cross-contamination in hospital wards
Hor, S.-Y.; Hooker, C; Iedema, R; Wyer, M; Gilbert, GL; Jorm, C; O'Sullivan, MPublished 2016-01-01Background Hospital-acquired infections are the most common adverse event for inpatients worldwide. Efforts to prevent microbial cross-contamination currently focus on hand hygiene and use of personal protective equipment ...Open AccessArticle -
Patient Involvement Can Affect Clinicians’ Perspectives and Practices of Infection Prevention and Control: A “Post-Qualitative” Study Using Video-Reflexive Ethnography
Wyer, M; Iedema, R; Hor, S.-Y.; Jorm, C; Hooker, C; Gilbert, GLPublished 2017-01-01This study, set in a mixed, adult surgical ward of a metropolitan teaching hospital in Sydney, Australia, used a novel application of video-reflexive ethnography (VRE) to engage patients and clinicians in an exploration ...Open AccessArticle
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