• Book review: ‘Illness as many Narratives: Arts, Medicine and Culture' 

      Hooker, C; Fitzpatrick, S.J.
      Published 2016-06-22
      Following our initial call for clinical and academic reviews of ‘Illness as many Narratives,’ Drs Claire Hooker and Scott Fitzpatrick offer their perspectives as researchers in the broader field of the medical humanities. ...
      Open Access
    • Looking beyond the qualitative and quantitative divide: Narrative, ethics and representation in suicidology 

      Fitzpatrick, S.J.
      Published 2011-01-01
      This work is a critical response to renewed debate within the field of suicidology with regard to the value of qualitative research methods. It begins by rejecting the context of the established debate which continues to ...
      Open Access
    • (Re)Moralizing the suicide debate 

      Fitzpatrick, S.J.
      Published 2014-04-01
      Contemporary approaches to the study of suicide tend to examine suicide as a medical or public health problem rather than a moral problem, avoiding the kinds of judgements that have historically characterised discussions ...
      Open Access
    • Religious perspectives on human suffering: Implications for medicine and bioethics 

      Fitzpatrick, S.J.; Kerridge, I; Jordens, C; Zoloth, L; Tollefsen, C; Tsomo, KL; Jensen, MP; Sachedina, A; Sarma, D
      Published 2015-02-01
      The prevention and relief of suffering has long been a core medical concern. But while this is a laudable goal, some question whether medicine can, or should, aim for a world without pain, sadness, anxiety, despair or ...
      Open Access
    • Religious perspectives on the use of psychopharmaceuticals as an enhancement technology 

      Fitzpatrick, S.J.; Jordens, C; Kerridge, I; Keown, D; Walter, JJ; Nelson, P; Abdalla, M; Lehmann, LS; Sarma, D
      Published 2014-01-01
      The use of psychopharmaceuticals as an enhancement technology has been the focus of attention in the bioethics literature. However, there has been little examination of the challenges that this practice creates for religious ...
      Open Access
    • Stories worth telling: Moral experiences of suicidal behavior. 

      Fitzpatrick, S.J.
      Published 2014-01-01
      Moral constructions of suicide are deliberately avoided in contemporary suicidology, yet morality persists, little or imperfectly acknowledged, in its practices and in the policies, discourses, and instruments that it ...
      Open Access
    • “‘Suicidology as a Social Practice': A Reply to Tom Widger.” 

      Fitzpatrick, S.J.; Hooker, C; Kerridge, I
      Published 2015-03-25
      In recent years, a growing body of critical literature has emerged that challenges the dominant norms and practices of mainstream suicidological research. Concerns over epistemology and methodology, the (political) rationales ...
      Open Access
      Article, Letter
    • Suicidology as a social practice. 

      Fitzpatrick, S.J.; Hooker, C; Kerridge, I
      Published 2014-01-01
      Suicide has long been the subject of philosophical, literary, theological, and cultural-historical inquiry. But despite the diversity of disciplinary and methodological approaches that have been brought to bear in the study ...
      Open Access
    • A ‘systems’ approach to suicide prevention: radical change or doing the same things better? 

      Fitzpatrick, S.J.; Hooker, C
      Published 2017-04-01
      Suicide is a significant public health concern. Continued high suicide rates, coupled with emerging international evidence, have led to the development of a ‘systems’ approach to suicide prevention, which is now being ...
      Open Access
    • The telling moment: Narrative as a discursive act. 

      Fitzpatrick, S.J.
      Published 2012-01-01
      As a work of interdisciplinary dialogue, Mary Jean Walker (2012) successfully straddles the fields of neuro- and cognitive science and social psychology in addressing key questions on the role, value and truth claims of ...
      Open Access