Browsing by author "Dominey-Howes, Dale T.M."
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Disaster declarations associated with bushfires, floods and storms in New South Wales, Australia between 2004 and 2014
Sewell, Thomas; Stephens, Ruby; Dominey-Howes, Dale T.M.; Bruce, Eleanor; Perkins-Kirkpatrick, SarahPublished 2016-11-07Australia regularly experiences disasters triggered by natural hazards and New South Wales (NSW) the most populous State is no exception. To date, no publically available spatial and temporal analyses of disaster declarations ...Open AccessArticle -
Disasters, Queer Narratives, and the News: How Are LGBTI Disaster Experiences Reported by the Mainstream and LGBTI Media?
McKinnon, Scott; Gorman-Murray, Andrew; Dominey-Howes, Dale T.M.Published 2017-01-02The media plays a significant role in constructing the public meanings of disasters and influencing disaster management policy. In this article, we investigate how the mainstream and LGBTI media reported—or failed to ...Open AccessArticle -
Emergency management response and recovery plans in relation to sexual and gender minorities in NEW South Wales, Australia
Dominey-Howes, Dale T.M.; Gorman-Murray, Andrew; McKinnon, ScottPublished 2016-06-01This paper undertakes a systematic critical review through a 'queer lens' of the emergency management response and recovery plans in New South Wales, Australia, in order to determine how the needs of sexual and gender ...Open AccessArticle -
'The greatest loss was a loss of our history': natural disasters, marginalised identities and sites of memory
McKinnon, Scott; Gorman-Murray, Andrew; Dominey-Howes, Dale T.M.Published 2016-11-16This paper examines intersections between space, materiality, memory and identity in relation to lesbian and gay experiences of recent disasters in Australia. Drawing on interviews with lesbians and gay men in two disaster ...Open AccessArticle -
Hazards and disasters in the Anthropocene: some critical reflections for the future
Dominey-Howes, Dale T.M.Published 2018-12-01The arrival of the Anthropocene presents many challenges—both theoretical and practical. Scholars in different disciplines, practitioners, the public and others, are all considering the meaning of the Anthropocene and how ...Open AccessArticle -
Listening and learning: giving voice to trans experiences of disasters
Gorman-Murray, Andrew; McKinnon, Scott; Dominey-Howes, Dale T.M.; Nash, Catherine Jean; Bolton, RillarkPublished 2018-02-01This article gives voice to trans experiences of disasters, investigating their specific vulnerabilities and resilient capacities. We draw on findings from a project on lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) experiences ...Open AccessArticle -
Problems and possibilities on the margins: LGBT experiences in the 2011 Queensland floods
Gorman-Murray, Andrew; Morris, Sally; Keppel, Jessica; McKinnon, Scott; Dominey-Howes, Dale T.M.Published 2017-01-02Vulnerability to disasters is not inherent to particular social groups but results from existing marginality. Marginalisation from social, political and economic resources and recognition underpins vulnerability and impedes ...Open AccessArticle -
Queering disasters: on the need to account for LGBTI experiences in natural disaster contexts
Dominey-Howes, Dale T.M.; Gorman-Murray, Andrew; McKinnon, ScottPublished 2014-01-01This article seeks a queering of research and policy in relation to natural disasters, their human impacts, management and response. The human impacts of natural disasters vary across different social groups. We contend ...Open AccessPost-print -
Seeing ‘the dark passenger’ – reflections on the emotional trauma of conducting post-disaster research
Dominey-Howes, Dale T.M.Published 2015-11-01This paper acknowledges '. the [my] dark passenger' of emotional vicarious trauma associated with conducting post-disaster research. Post-disaster research is tightly bounded by ethics and professional codes of conduct ...Open AccessArticle
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